Last week I purchased a nail inc. nail polish set (that I forgot to add to my haul post, but my Instagram and Facebook followers saw it 😉 ). Today I´m showing you nails inc. Mornington Crescent which is a pretty coral nail polish.
Eelmisel nädalal täiendasin enda küünelakkide kollektsiooni ühe nail inc. küünelakkide komplektiga. Haul´i postitusse unustasin ma selle küll lisada, ent minu Instagram´i ja Facebooki jälgijad nägid seda siiski ;). Täna näitangi teile ühe lakki sellest kollektsioonist. Nails inc. Mornington Crescent on ilus koralli tooni lakk, mis minu piltidel jäi veidi erksam kui päriselt.
On my nails you can see two coats of nails inc. Mornington Crescent applied over a coat of OPI Original Nail Envy and finished with a coat of Essie Good To Go fast drying top coat. All the photos are taken in sunlight and so the shade seems a bit brighter than it actually is.
Minu küüntel näete kahte kihti nail inc lakki toonis Mornington Crescent. Aluslakina kasutasin OPI Original Nail Envy küüsi tugevdavat aluslakki. Pealislakina kasutasin Essie Good To Go kiirkuivatavat lakki. Pildid on tehtud päikesevalguses ja seega tundub toon piltidel veidi erksam.
Mornington Crescent is good nail polish. It looked opaque and even in just one coat, but since I wanted a perfect result then I added second coat too. Also it dried pretty fast which is always a good thing. At the moment I can´t really comment its staying power, because I have had it on my nails only for 24 hours, but so far there is no chipping or visible nail wear.
Mornington Crescent on hea lakk. Tulemus jäi läbipaistmatu ja ühtlane juba vaid ühe lakikihiga, ent kuna ma tahtsin täiuslikku tulemust, siis kandsin küüntele ka teise kihi lakki. Samuti kuivab see lakk küüntel suhteliselt kiiresti. Hetkel ma selle laki küüntel püsivust veel kommenteerida ei saa kuna mu küüntel on see olnud vaid 24 tundi, ent hetkel ei ole veel lakitükikesi küüntelt tulema hakanud ning samuti pole nähtavat värvi kulumist küüneotstes.
litfromwithin9 says
That’s a gorgeous coral! Now that you’re in the UK, can you identify any of these places the Nails Inc polishes are named for? Lol
Leelo says
Not yet 😀
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
It’s a beautiful hue
Leelo says
It is 🙂
Destany says
What a gorgeous shade of coral! I love it, and it looks great on you 🙂
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
neversaydiebeauty says
Coral is one of my favorite shades. It’s such a happy color! Hope you’re discovering lots of new brands to try in London
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Thats a gorgeous shade!
daydreamingbeauty says
Beautiful coral!
Miranda says
What a hot shade!
Celeste says
That is a pretty color!
Sheila says
Gorgeous color! It would be a good pedicure color.
justina says
I <3 a good coral!
Betzy Carmona says
That’s a gorgeous shade
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
This is such a beautiful color!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
I love Coral and this one is gorgeous!