My today´s post is about Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub which has really a really good scent that I personally like a lot that for some it might be a bit too overwhelming. But how about its exfoliating properties? Read on to find out 😉
Minu tänane postitus on Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica kehakoorijast. Sellel on hästi mõnus lõhn, mis mulle isiklikult meeldib, ent mõnele võib see natuke nö liiga palju olla. Aga kuidas see toode kehakoorijana on? Loe edasi, et teada saada 😉
Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub is promised to moisturize and exfoliate the skin. It comes in 200ml plastic tube with a flip cap. The scrub itself is pearly white and contains really fine scrubbing particles. Its texture reminds me more of a shower cream or gel, but not really a typical body scrub. I was bit disappointed in this body scrub, because I really did not feel that it would have exfoliated my skin. But that´s probably just me – I prefer body scrubs that I can feel working on my skin. I did enjoy using Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub as my everyday body wash because it lathered well, smelled great and did not make my skin dry.
Overall Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica Body Scrub is a nice product for everyday use, but don´t expect much exfoliation from it. If you have sensitive skin then it might suit you because it does not contain harsh scrubbing particles. Would I purchase it again? No!
Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica kehakoorija peaks lubaduste kohaselt nahka koorima ja niisutama. See kehakoorija tuleb 200ml plastiktuubis. Koorija ise on pärlja valge konsistentsiga ning sisaldab tillukesi koorivaid osakesi. Selle toote tekstuur meenutab mulle rohkem dušigeeli-või kreemi, aga mitte koorijat. Aga see on juba minu kiiks, sest kehakoorija puhul ma tahan seda nö enda nahal tunda. Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica kehakoorja oli minu jaoks mõnus, hästi vahutav igapäevane kehapesutoode, mis ei muutunud mu nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks, ent kahjuks mingit koorivat efekti ma ei täheldanud.
Kokkuvõttes on Avon Planet Spa Bali Botanica kehakoorija hea toode igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, ent samas erilist koorivat efekti sealt oodata ei maksa. Tundlikule nahale sobib see koorijaks tõenäoliselt paremini. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Ei!
Phyrra Nyx says
Sorry to hear it’s a miss!
Leelo says
Yeah! But oh well not all products can be great.
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Thanks for your honest review! Will be passing on this
Leelo says
beautyjudy says
Sorry to hear it’s a miss but I appreciate your honest review!
Leelo says
🙂 Thanks!
Miranda says
Love a good scrub!
inmyprime50 says
I love scrubs!
Ange (@angejim0531) says
I LOVE that bottle!
jmelee1221 says
I love a good scrub. This sounds nice.
makeupbylaurag says
well poo! sorry it is a miss
litfromwithin9 says
I have one salt scrub that I love that you can’t feel the scrubbies. I never thought I would love a soft scrub, but I do! I like lemongrass scent, but not a huge Frangipani fan, so if it’s really heavily scented, it’s probably not for me.
Sheila says
Thanks for the honest review!
Lisa Heath says
I’d pass on this. Too many good exfoliating products out there I would rather use
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
Well at least the sensitive skin chicks have options. Mine is a little sensitive but I like to at least feel something.
citizensofbeauty says
I agree, I need my body scrubs to really scruuub me down.
melodykewl says
Thanks for the honest review!