Lets end this month with a little haul post. Today I´m showing you some of the items I bought in August from Nike, Esprit & Boots.
In middle on August I went shoe shopping in Tallinn. I did not find any shoes but I did come home with two items from Esprit. One of them was a black cardigan – which I just LOVE! It looks great, I can wear it with jeans or pants or skirts or dresses. And other was is grey cowl neck jumper. It is light and perfect for chilli fall days.
Augustikuu lõpetuseks üks shoppingu postitus ehk siis Nike, Esprit ja Boots ostud.
Augusti keskel käisin kingi ostmas Tallinnas. Kingi ma ei saanud ent Esprit poest ostsin ühe kardigani ning kampsuni. Sellist musta kardigani olen tükk aega otsinud ja nüüd siis leidsin täpselt sobiva. Hall kampsun on mõnusalt õhuke ja sobib hästi veidi jahedamate ilmadega kandmiseks.
Next we have little Boots hauls. No I did not buy new footwear 😀 just some new beauty products. I needed new shower gel because the one I took with me to UK ran out and rest of my stuff from which is coming with movers from Estonia hasn´t arrived yet. This Radox shower gel was on sale for 1£ and so why not to try. There was also deal on L´Oreal Excellance hair dyes (btw these are one of my favorite hair colourants 😉 ) and so of course I had to crab two of those. I have been wanting to buy OPI Nail Envy and since it was sold there, too then I also purchased this one.
Edasi Bootsi ostud. Boots on siis pood, mis müüd kosmeetikat, ilu- ja tervisetooteid, ravimeid jne. Mul oli vaja uut dušigeeli kuna Eestist kaasa võetu sai otsa ning kuna teine dušigeel on selles asjade hunnikus, mis kolimisfirmaga Eestist järgi tuleb ent pole veel kohale jõudnud oligi kiirelt uut vaja. Radox´i dušigeel maksis soodukaga 1£ ja selle hinna eest tundub ok olevat. Boots´ s oli L´Oreale Excellance värvidele sooduspakkumine ning seega läks minu ostukorvi siis ka 2 juuksevärvi. OPI Nail Envy´le soodukat küll polnud, ent kuna küünetugevdajat oli vaja, siis nii ta ära ostetud saigi.
Today we visited Swindon Designer Outlet which is basically a shopping heaven for me 😀 and from there I purchased new Nike running shoes. Their regular price is 73£, but factory price is 49£ and since there was 30% offer then I paid only 34.30£.
Täna käisime Swindon´i Designer Outlet´s. Tegu on suure ostukeskusega, kus on erinevate firmade (Nike, Calvin Klein, Hilfiger, Mark Spencer, Clarks, Fiorelli jpt) outlet ja tehasepoed ning nagu isegi arvata võite on hinnad soodsad. Seekord pidasin siiski ostmisega piiri ning piirdusin vaid uute jooksujalatsitega.
On Friday we visited home & garden store ( I can´t remember its name at the moment) to buy some stuff for out bathroom and I also purchased two toothbrush holders which are just perfect makeup brush holders 😀 And since I have a garden now then I also bought some garden gloves.
Reedel käisime muuhulgas ühes kodu- ja aiakaupade poes, mille nimi mulle hetkel ei meenu, kust ostsime vannituppa mõned vajalikud asjad. Muuhulgas ostsin endale kaks topsi meigipintslite ostmiseks ning kuna mul on nüüd aed, siis ka aiatöötegemiseks kindad.
What have you bought lately?
Mida teie viimasel ajal ostnud olete?
Audrey says
I’ve always wanted to go to Tallin!! Looks like you got some good deals there.
xoxo from Canada,
Leelo says
The Esrpit haul was from Tallinn, but all the rest of the stuff is purchased from the UK actually 🙂