On Sunday I showed you pretty and comfortable floral blouse from Sheinside.com and today I have another item from this store to show you. This black zipper detail blazer looked really cool & unique and classic at the same time and since I needed something new for autumn then it seemed like a great piece.
Pühapäeval näitasin teile kena ja mugavat lillemustriga pluusi Sheinside.com´st ning täna on mul teile näitamiseks veel üks toode sellest samast poest. Tegu on musta bleiser jakiga, mis näeb välja lahe ja erinev, ent samas siiski klassikaline. Kuna mul oli veidi jahedamateks ilmadeks niikuinii uut jakki vaja, siis tundus see hea valik olevat.
What I like about this jacket is its details: the faux leather details on the sleeves and golden zippers on pockets and sleeves. I like it´s classic fit and that I can combine it with different clothing. The quality of this jacket is good and there wasn´t any loose threads etc anywhere. The only thing I can complain about is that the blazer arrived all wrinkled and ironing it wasn´t the easiest task 🙁
Selle jaki juures meeldivad mulle detailid: kunstnahast detailid varrukal ning kuldsed lukud taskutel ning varukatel. Samas on selle lõige klassikaline ning seda annab kombineerida erinevate riietustega. Jakki materjal ja õmbluskvaliteet on üllatavalt normaalsed ning nii nagu pluusi puhul nii ka siin ei olnud kuskil lahtiseid niidiotsi vms jama. Ainus, mille kallal tahaks nuriseda on see, et jakk saabus jubedalt kortsus ning selle sirgeks triikimineoli üsna aega nõudev tegevus.
What I´m wearing:
- Black zipper detail blazer from Sheinside.com
- blouse Stradivarius
- jeans Esprit
- wedges Vagabond
- bag & owl necklace Aliexpress
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
That is a KILLER blazer!
Leelo says
Yes it is! 😀
beautyjudy says
WOW. I LOVE that blazer, so sharp!
Miranda says
Love this look! I could totally wear it to the office
jmelee1221 says
Love this jacket. That blazer is simply amazing!!!
lifeserialblog says
LOVE everything about this! especially that necklace!
Uplifting Families says
This looks so cute on you. 🙂
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
That is a fabulous jacket and it looks great on you!
Erika says
Love that jacket. It looks smashing on you.
Phyrra Nyx says
I love the shoes! so cute
Harshleen says
You look fab!! Love that blazer….
Ange (@angejim0531) says
You look gorgeous!!
litfromwithin9 says
What great style! I love everything about this look, from your hair and makeup, to that owl necklace, and the blazer is fierce.
justina says
That blazer is such a versatile piece!
honeygirlsworld says
Love this classic chic look – fabulous.
fabulouskath says
I like the sleeves of the jacket, kind of rocker chic to me!
glamorable says
Ooh, those sleeves look interesting!
makeupbylaurag says
That jacket is everything! LOVE IT!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I love that jacket, you look amazing!
Sheila says
This is a fantastic look!
Norah Salazar says
I am LIVING for that jacket!
Betzy Carmona says
I really like your outfit !
kelliegonzo says
That jacket is really lovely on you!
The Dalai Lama's Nails says
such a cute look! Also, I love your shoes 🙂
Valesha Gracic (@Valesha) says
I ADORE this look! This totally something I would wear if I could pull it off. The blazer is to die for.
Jamie says
Such a great blazer! Love the leather details on the sleeves.
Brianna G. (@brikasiabeauty) says
That blazer is so cute!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Classy, sexy, sophisticated. I love it all.