The very first dry shampoo that I used was Oriflame´s and oh boy it was bad. After that I was quite hesitant to try any dry shampoos, because I seriously thought that they all are as useless and make hair look even worse than before 😀 Anyway some time later I saw Batiste Original Dry Shampoo on sale and so I decided to give dry shampoos one more try and I´m glad I did!
Kõige esimene kuivšampoon, mida mitu aastat tagasi proovisin oli Oriflame´i oma ning oi see oli halb :S Peale seda olin igasuguste kuivšampoonide osas üsna kahtlev ja kõhklev ning kartsin, et nad kõik on sama kasutud ning muudavad juuste välja nägemise veel hullemaks. Mingi aeg hiljem, aga sattusin Batiste originaal kuivšampooni soodukale ning otsustasin kuivšampoonidele veel ühe võimaluse anda. Ja ausalt öeldes olen rõõmus, et seda tegin 🙂
Batiste Original Dry Shampoo is promised to banish oily roots and give dull, lifeless hair the makeover it needs without any water. A quick burst revitalises hair, adds body and texture and leaves it feeling clean and fresh. For using: shake vigorously before use. Keeping nozzle about 30cm from hair, spray into roots. Massage through with fingertips. Brush and style.
My opinion
As you probably already guessed – I love it! Why? Because it is easy to use: I just shake the bottle and spray the shampoo on my roots, let it stay there while I brush my teeth or do my makeup. Then I comb and style my hair as desired. I like that it does make my hair look fresh and clean and adds some volume too. I´m not a big fan of its scent though, but it is just my personal preference. My biggest fair with the dry shampoos has always been that my hair will look like I had put flour on my head, but I have never experienced this with Batiste dry shampoo. Also it doesn´t make my scalp itchy.
Batiste Dry Shampoo won´t replace good old water and shampoo, but when I´m in a hurry and have no time to wash my hair then it is great solution to make my hair look clean & fresh again. For more information about Batiste products click here.
You can buy Batiste Dry shampoo / / / /
Batiste originaal kuivšampoon peaks lubaduste kohaselt imama rasu ja andma elututele juustele värske lõhna ja väljanägemise ilma vee ja šampoonita. Batiste kuivšampoon elustab juukseid, lisab neile kohevust ja tekstuuri. Kasutamiseks tuleb kõigepealt pudelit loksutada ning siis umbes 30cm kauguselt juuksejuurtele pihustada ja sõrmedega juustesse masseerida. Minuti pärast juuksed kammida ja soengusse sättida.
Minu arvamus
Nagu juba sissejuhatusest arvata võisite, siis mulle Batiste kuivšampoon meeldib. Miks? Sest seda on lihtne kasutada: lihtsalt raputan pudelit, lasen šampooni juuksejuurtele ning lasen sel mõjuda kuni pesen hambaid või meiki teen. Pärast seda kammin juuksed ja sätin soengusse. Mulle meeldib, et see annab mu juustele värske ning puhta välimuse ja lisab kohevust. Selle šampooni lõhna fänn ma küll pole, aga see on juba mu isiklik kiiks. Minu suurim hirm seoses kuivšampoonidega on see, et pärast nende kasutamist on tunne nagu oleksin juustesse jahu raputanud. Batiste kuivšampooniga pole ma seda kordagi kogenud. Lisaks kõigele eelnevale ei pane see toode ka mu peanahka sügelema.
Batiste kuivšampoon küll ei asenda vana-head vett ja šampooni, ent kui pole võimalik pead pesta, siis on ta hea lahendus, et juustele kiirelt värske ja puhas ilma anda. Rohkem infot Batiste toodete kohta leiad siit.
Betzy Carmona says
I want to try this brand
litfromwithin9 says
I used to avoid dry shampoo because they would all leave my hair ashy looking – but dry shampoo has come a long way! It’s such a great tool to have in your haircare arsenal – from adding texture to getting one more day out of your ‘do.
melodykewl says
Idk how dry shampoo would work on Natural Hair so I tend to stay away from it.
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
Batiste is one of my top faves for Dry Shampoo!
Phyrra Nyx says
Batiste is my favorite dry shampoo
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
batiste is my go to dry shampoo! love it!
Sheila says
Batiste is a must have!
The Dalai Lama's Nails says
I’ve never actually used any dry shampoo before! But I should give this brand a try!
Jessica W. says
I’ve heard so many great things about this brand, and I need to try it out! 🙂
Phyrra Nyx says
I love all the different scents in this shampoo
kelliegonzo says
Batiste is the best dry shampoo I’ve ever used, seriously I won’t use anything else!
Destany says
I have not had much luck with dry shampoos, but I’ve been told this is a good brand to try!
fabulouskath says
I like this one too, affordable and does the job
Deborah says
Batiste dry shampoo is my favorite too :).