My today´s review is about Baikal Herbals Facial Foam Wash. I purchased it in the end of May from my local department store, because I ran out of facial wash and needed a new one fast. I had never heard of Baikal Herbals before and so I was excited to try something new.
Minu tänane postitus on Baikal Herbals näopesuvahust. Ostsin selle mai lõpus Keila Rõõmukaubamajast, sest avastasin järsku, et tol hetkel kasutuses olnud näopesukreem oli kohe kohe otsa saamas ning uut polnudki veel. Seega valisin pärast pikka kaalumist Baikal Herbals´i toote, sest polnud sellest firmast varem isegi mitte kuulnud ning mulle meeldib katsetada uusi firmasid/tooteid.
Baikal Herbals Facial Foam Wash is described as delicate facial wash which is created using plant extracts from Lake Baikal region. It cleanses skin gently and effectively and gives it radiant and fresh look. Due to natural active ingredients, skin strengthens the protective function of the skin, prevents dehydration, and gives a feeling of perfect cleanliness and comfort. Does not contain parabens, SLS nor colourants.
My opinion about Baikal Herbals Facial Foam Wash
I have been using it over two months twice a day and it is like a typical facial wash. It comes in a pump dispenser-type plastic bottle with a simple design. Thanks to the pump this facial wash is very convenient to use. The foam itself is white and airy and has mild, almost unnoticeable scent. Since this is gentle facial wash then it won´t remove heavier makeup from your skin. So I recommend using makeup remover before washing your face with this wash. I like that it doesn´t make my skin unpleasantly dry. Overall it is nice facial wash and I´m glad that I picked it up and tried it. Would I purchase it again? Probably yes!
Baikal Herbals näopesuvahtu kirjeldatakse pakendil kui õrna näopesu, mis on tehtud Baikali järve regioonis kasvavate taimede ekstraktidest. See puhastab nahka õrnalt ja efektiivselt ning annab nahale särava ja värske ilme. Tänu naturaalsetele koostisosadele tugevneb naha loomulik kaitsevõime ning samas on nahk niisutatud ja täiuslikult puhas. Toode ei sisalda parabeene, SLS´i ega värvaineid.
Minu arvamus Baikal Herbals näopesuvahust
Olen Baikal Herbals näopesuvahtu kasutanud üle kahe kuu kaks korda päevas. Toode on lihtsa kujundusega pudelis, millel on mugav pump. Vaht ise on valge ning õhuline ning sellel on tagasihoidlik, peaaegu märkamatu lõhn. Kuna tegu on õrna näopesuvahuga, siis paksemat meigikihti (loe: jumestuskreem, katvam BB kreem, puuder jms) see eemaldada ei suuda ning seega soovitan kindlasti kasutada enne näopesemist meigieemaldajat. Mulle meeldib, et Baikal Herbals´i näopesuvaht ei muuda mu nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks. Kokkuvõttes on igati hea näopesuvahuga ning ma olen rahul, et selle endale ostsin. Kas ma ostaks seda ka tulevikus? Ma arvan küll.
Destany says
Sounds like a really nice face wash 🙂
Erika says
This looks like a nice facial wash.
Leticia Fontaine (Cosmetics Aficionado) says
Looks like a nice, lightweight product!
litfromwithin9 says
My only issue with these pumps is that the cleanser has to be really, really diluted to go through the aerator and foam like that. So you’re really getting less product and more water. I’d save the pump if you like that texture, and dilute whatever face wash you like to use in it (I’ll do this sometimes with the hand soap dispensers.)
Leelo says
That´s amazing tip! Thank you!
Miranda says
Foaming cleansers are so fun!
inmyprime50 says
I love foaming face washes!
Phyrra Nyx says
Sounds like it’s nice and gentle
jmelee1221 says
This looks super nice. I almost reminds me of this foaming cleanser I have by One Love Organics. Super gentle and works well. Great post!
justina says
This sounds really nice!
ashley says
This sounds fab. I like a good foaming face wash.
citizensofbeauty says
love foaming cleansers!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
This sounds nice! And IDK why but looking at that bottle calms me.
Sheila says
I love foaming cleansers – sounds like a great product.
glamorable says
Looks like a nice lightweight face wash.
melodykewl says
Sounds like a nice face wash!