Hei! Ehk mäletate mu eelmise nädala postitust Teazy teedest? Eile sai mul läbi 1.nädal Teazy Teatox teedega ning jagan teiega enda muljeid nende kasutamisest. Teazy hommikuteed olen joonud igal hommikul hommikusöögi kõrvale kohvi asemel ning õhtuteed, siis üle päeva õhtuti.
Hi! You might remember my last week´s post about natural Teazy teas. Yesterday I finished the first week of the detox and so today I decided to share my thoughts about these teas. I have been drinking the 14 Day Teatox Daytime tea every morning instead of my regular coffee and Bedtime tea every other day.
Hommikutee puhul on lubatud, et see peaks andma päevase energiaannuse, väiksema söögiisu ja kahaneva kaalunumbri. Tee ise on imehea lõhnaga ning maitseb hästi. Ma olen üsna suur kohvijooja, kelle jaoks päev ei alga enne kui kaks tassi kohvi on joodud ja lisaks joon tavaliselt veel päeva jooksul 1-2 tassi. Tavaliselt mahub mu päeva veel ka tass või kaks rohelist teed. Nii teed kui ka kohvi eelistan mina juua ilma magustajateta kuna minu meelest rikuvad need lihtsalt joogi maitse 😀 Hommikohvi joomisest loobumine ei ole eriti raske olnud, kuigi jah selline uimane ja unine tunne on veel ka paar tundi pärast ärkamist. Õnneks aga on suvi ja kuhugi kiiret ei ole (peale lapsega õue kiirustamise) nii, et pole hullu. Mis puutub väiksemasse söögiisusse, siis see on tõesti väiksem olnud ning vahepeal pidevalt kimbutanud magusanälg on kadunud. Samas võib söögiisu olla vähenenud tõenäoliselt ka palava ilma tõttu. Kahanevat kaalunumbrit ei oska hetkel kommenteerida, sest unustasin end täna hommikul kaaluda 😀 Aga ma loodan, et Saadjärve jooksuks valmistumine ja tee joomine on sellele kaasa aidanud 🙂
Õhtutee maitseb hea, kuigi mind endiselt häirib selle raudrohutee sarnane lõhn. Ma eeldasin, et õhtutee teeb võibolla uniseks, ent seda mitte. Natuke muudab võibolla rahulikumaks, kuid see on ka kõik. Viimase aja unenägudest pole mulle midagi meelde jäänud nii, et nende ilusamaks muutumist ei oska kommenteerida 😀 Õhtutee puhul on mul kohati keeruline meeles pidada, et kas nüüd peaks olema tee joomise õhtu või mitte. Selles suhtes meeldiks mulle rohkem kui ka seda teed peaks igal õhtul jooma, mitte vaid üle päeva.
Kokkuvõttes võib öelda, et seni on 14 päeva Teazy Teatox kuur olnud igati meediv. Kõhugripi laadseid tundemärke ei ole esinenud (osade kaalualandavate teedega või seda esineda) ning enesetunne on hea 🙂
Rohkem infot Teazy teedest ja toodetest leiab Teazy veebilehelt
Teazy morning tea is promised to give you an energy boost for your day, decrease appetite and help to lose weight. This tea has a wonderful scent and it tastes good. My mornings start with two cups of coffee and during the day I usually drink 1-2 cups coffee. I also drink a cup or two of green tea. I prefer my my coffee and tea without any sweeteners, because in my opinion they´ll just ruin the taste. During these seven days I have been drinking this tea instead of my coffee. Switching to tea hasn´t been difficult, but I do feel sleepy even after an hour or two. Luckily it is summer and so I´m not in a hurry and so that is not really a problem. When it comes to smaller appetite then I am not sure if it thanks to drinking this tea or hot weather, but yes it has decreased. Also I haven´t had problems with cravings for something sweet. I´ve no idea if I have lost weight during these 7 days, because I forgot to step on the scale this morning 😛 But I hope the number is smaller because I have been working out and preparing for 17.5km run around lake Saadjärve.
Bedtime detox tea tastes good, but I´m still not of its scent which reminds me of yarrow tea. I assumed that bedtime tea maybe will make me sleepy or something. It maybe makes me a bit calmer, but that´s it. Since I can´t even remember what I have lately seen in my dreams then I can´t comment if they have become nicer 😀 When it comes to the bedtime tea then I would prefer drinking this every night not every other night.
Overall my first seven days with these detox teas has been a very plesant experience. I was a bit scared that maybe these would cause stomach-flu like complaints like some detox and weight loss teas do, but luckily no such problems 🙂
You can find more information of Teazy Teatox teas from Teazy website
K2ty says
Hmm, tekib ka isu proovida. Eriti kuna kohvi nagunii ei joo ja võiks rohelisele teele midagi vahelduseks proovida 😀
Leelo says
roadrunnerfloristbasketexpress says
So happy this is working for you!! I can hardly wait for more updates!
Leelo says
🙂 Then you´ll have to check out my post next week 😉
Lesley Stevens says
Thank you for sharing this product with me, I can’t wait to try it.
Leelo says
Melissa (Sippy Cup Mom) says
Thanks for sharing this product. I am so glad it is working for you!
Leelo says
So far it has worked well 🙂 But I guess we will know for sure next week.
Faith says
Sounds like a great alternative to coffee. Thanks for the review…I might have to try these!
Leelo says
So far they have been 🙂
Jeff says
I love drinking tea as I did last night for a sore throat. These teas intrigue me.
Leelo says
Lynne says
I’m a tea drinker at home and have started having green tea of an evening. These teas sound really good. I love the cute infuser
Leelo says
I love green tea and drink at least one cup a day 🙂
Amber NElson says
I wish I liked tea. I have heard so many good things about tea, but I just can’t get into it.
Leelo says
Oh so you don´t like green nor black tea? I love green tea, but I hate black one for some reason.
Clara Myers says
I’m a big tea fan so thanks for introducing these to me.
Leelo says
You´re welcome 🙂
deb62113 says
Very cool! Can’t wait to try this product! Thanks for sharing!