Time for a nail art post! Today I am showing you my birds and roses stamping manicure where I used Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling which you saw yesterday; Ebalay Matte Yellow nail polish and nail art stamping plate G18 from Born Pretty Store.
Aeg sellel nädalal veel üheks küünemaalingu postituseks. Seekord siis kasutasin jälle küünetemplit ning templiplaati G18, mis on päris www.bornprettystore.com lehelt. Lisaks kasutasin tembeldamiseks veel Ebalay matti kollast küünelakki ning hallikas-hõbedane põhi (ehk siis Avon Gel Finish lakk toonis Sterling) peaks teile tuttav olema eilsest postitusest 🙂
I started my manicure with a coat of Seche Vite Ridge Filler base coat and then I added two coats of Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling. Then I started stamping. For stamping I used scraper and stamper set and Ebalay Matte Yellow nail polish from KKCenterHk.com and stamping plate G18 from Born Pretty Store. This time I used two images from this plate: the bird-like image and the rose. I finisged my manicure with a coat of Essie Good To Go top coat. Since I took these photos after I had had this manicure on my nails for 2 days then there is some visible tip wear 🙁
Alustasin enda küünte tegemist Seche Vite Ridge Filler aluslakiga. Edasi lisasin kaks kihti Avon Gel Finish küünelakki toonis Sterling. Tembeldamiseks kasutasin KKCenterHk.com lehelt pärit templit ja kaabitsat ning Ebalay kollast matti lakki ning Born Pretty Store´st saadetud küüne templi plaati G18. Plaadilt kasutasin kahte motiivi: lindu ja roosi. Lõpetasin maniküüri ühe kihi Essie Good To Go pealislakiga. Kuna nende piltide tegemise hetkeks oli see disain mu küüntel olnud juba 2 päeva, siis kahjuks on küüneotstes näha mõningasi laki kulumismärke.