Hi! Today I want to share with you some Fusion of Color products that were sent for me for the review. You saw three of the eye shadows in use in my last Friday´s EOTD post.
What is Fusion of Color? They have been in the beauty industry since 2003. Their cruelty and gluten free products are created from minerals which are taken directly from the earth and then processed into a fine powder and mixed with natural colors. These products are custom made in small batches by Fusion of Color and never repacked. These mineral products suit every skin type and tone and women of all ages.
Hei! Täna tahan teile näidata mõningaid Fusion of Color tooteid, mis mulle katsetamiseks saadeti. Kolme lauvärvi mäletate ehk ka minu eelmise nädala EOTD postitusest 😉
Mis on Fusion of Color? Tegu on Chicagost pärit nn Indie brändiga, mis on ilumaailmas tegutsenud aastast 2003. Nende tooted on tehtud otse maapõuest võetud mineraalidest, mis on töödeldud peeneks pulbriks ning millele on lisatud naturaalseid värvaineid. Kõik tooted tehakse väikestes kogustes Fusion of Colori poolt ning neid ei pakendata vahepeal ümber. Sellised mineraalsed ilutooted sobivad igale nahatüübile ja -värvile ning naistele igas vanuses.
I had an opportunity to choose 8 samples from them and I decided to try 5 eye shadows in shades Ianthe, Camellia, Summer Sky, Concord, Fortune; Aura Lusion Diamond Powder, Perfect Canvas Primer and Impeccable Finish Powder Light. So first here are eyeshadow swatches. All swatches are on bare skin. For the first photo I applied them with dry brush and for the second one I applied them using wet brush. All 5 shades are shimmery and look gorgeous in sunshine.
Mul oli võimalus valida katsetamiseks 8 näidist ning seega valisin 5 lauvärvi (toonid Ianthe, Camellia, Summer Sky, Concord ja Fortune); Aura Lusion Diamond puudri, Perfect Canvas praimeri ja Impeccable Finish puudri toonis light. Kõigepealt näitan teile, siis lauvärvide tooninäidiseid. Kõik näidised on puhtal kuival nahal. Esimesel pildil olevad swatchid kandsin nahale kuiva pintsliga ning teise pildi näidised tegin kasutades märga pintslit.
- Ianthe is a light yellow eye shadow with a hint of green shimmer
- Camellia is a light shimmer pink with some gold highlights
- Summer Sky is a light to medium Sky Blue with a hint of green undertone
- Concord is a deep purple eyeshadow with shimmer
- Fortune is a neutral beige pink with gold shimmer
I like how versatile these eye shadows are: for more dramatic look I prefer applying them with wet brush and for softer look with dry brush. You can also use them as an eyeliner (apply them with wet eyeliner brush ;))Applying and blending them is easy. I have tested these eye shadows so far with two primers: Avon Eyeshadow Primer and e.l.f. Mineral Eye Shadow primer. Avon primer works well with these, but e.l.f. Mineral Eye Shadow Primer is not very good with these.
- Ianthe – helekollane lauvärv, milles on õrnaltmärgata rohelist sädelust
- Camellia – heleroosa sädelev lauvärv, milles on veidi kuldset sära
- Summer Sky – õrnalt roheka alatooniga hele kuni keskmine sinine
- Concord – tumelilla sädelev lauvärv
- Fortune – neutraalnne roosakas beež, milles on kuldset sädelust
Mulle meeldib, et need lauvärvid on nii mitmekülgsed. Dramaatilisema tulemuse jaoks kanna lauvärv peale märja pintsliga ja mahedama meigi jaoks kuiva pintsliga. Kui kanda Fusion of Color lauvärvid peale märja lauvärvi pintsliga saab nendega saavutada ka kena laineri joone. Nende lauvärvide peale kandmine ning hajutamine on lihtne. Seni olen neid katsetanud kahe lauvärvi aluskreemiga: Avon lauvärvi aluskreemiga ning e.l.f Mineral Eye Shadow Primer aluskreemiga. Avon´i oma sobib Fusion of Color lauvärvidega kenasti, ent kahjuks e.l.f. Mineral Eye Shadow Primer väga hea ei ole.
And here are three face products. Aura Lusion Diamond Powder is really fine HD powder. It looks pretty similar to e.l.f. High Definition Powder. It finishes makeup look nicely and gives this pretty smooth appearance. Perfect Canvas Primer is a silicon based primer that makes skin look nicely smooth and even. It makes all fine lines and imperfections less noticeable. I like that it doesn´t feel heavy or greasy on my skin. Perfect Canvas Primer reminds me of e.l.f Mineral Infused Face Primer, but it´ s ingredients list is really short when compared to e.l.f.´s. So if I did have to choose between these two then I would go with Perfect Canvas Primer 😉 The last sample that I have to show you is Impeccable Finish Powder Light. This is as you can guess from its name a finishing powder that is meant to set your makeup. This powder is talc free and so it won´t clog pores. This is fine powder and looks translucent on my skin. I like that it helps to make my makeup look flawless. Since it is so fine and light then I can´t even feel that I am wearing powder. Love it!
To find out more about these and other Fusion of Color products check out www.fusionofcolor.net
Ja viimased kolm toodet. Kõigepealt siis Aura Lusion Diamond Powder puuder. Tegu on HD puudriga, mis meenutab mulle väga e.l.f.´i High Defintion puudrit, ent e.l.f.´i puudril on lihtsalt koostisosade nimekiri 3x pikem. Meigi viimistlemiseks on see puuder suurepärane kuna aitab peita viimasedki ebatasasused. Perfect Canvas Primer on silikoonibaasil meigialuskreem, mis aitab muuta naha ühtlaseks ning luua hea baasi ülejäänud meigi jaoks. See aitab peita väikesed kortuskesed ning muud ebatasasused. Ka see toode meenutab mulle ühte e.l.f.´i toodet – Mineral Infused Face Primer meigialuskreemi, ent nende suur erinevus on jällegi koostisosade nimekirjas. Ja viimaseks tooteks on Impeccable Finish Powder Light. Tegu on peene läbipaistva viimistleva puudriga, mis aitab anda meigile viimase lihvi. See puuder ei sisalda talki ning seega ei ummista see ka nii palju poore. Mulle meeldib, et see puuder on kerge ning ma isegi ei tunne seda enda nahal.
Kui soovid rohkem teada saada nendest ja teistest Fusion of Color toodetest siis kindlasti mine vaata nende kodulehte www.fusionofcolor.net ning FB lehte facebook.com/fusionofcolor
Jessica W. says
I bet Lanthe looks really good on you! 🙂
The Dalai Lama's Nails says
they look so nice applied with a wet brush! Very pretty.
Phyrra Nyx says
Ianthe is lovely
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
ohh I love lanthe!
litfromwithin9 says
I know you’re going to rock that yellow! I really liked FoC primer and face cream. Such a wonderful line – everything I tried was really great.
Kimberly Murray Purcell says
Those are some very lovely colors. I’m personally addicted to adding some slight sparkle to my complexion!!!
Miranda says
Summer Sky would be beautiful as a liner!
Lisa says
These look gorgeous
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Very pretty
fabulouskath says
Wet brought out the pigmentation well
justina says
These are really gorgeous!
Sheila says
These colors are so pretty!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
I’d definitely do something with concord and fortune together. So pretty.
Leelo says
Aprill says
Summer sky is beautiful!
Leelo says
It is! Even though I´m not a fan of blue eye shadows for some reason then I love Summer Sky.
citizensofbeauty says
summer sky is my fav.