Today I am sharing with you some of my current favorite e.l.f. products. Some of them have belonged to my favorites list for a couple of years, but some I have discovered lately. When it comes to e.l.f. products then I like that they are affordable, especially if purchased/ordered during sale and most of the products have good quality and they actually work as promised. I don’t like all e.l.f products, but I am definitely loving some of them 🙂
Täna näitan teile enda lemmik ilutooteid e.l.f.’lt. Mõned neist on mu lemmikute hulka kuulunud paar aastat, ent mõne olen avastanud/taasavastanud enda jaoks alles hiljuti. Mis puutub e.l.f.´i toodetesse, siis mulle meeldib nende juures see, need on taskukohase hinnaga, eriti kui neid osta/tellida suuremate soodukate ajal ning enamiku toodete kvaliteet on hea. Lisaks teevad need seda mida lubatud. Kõiki e.l.f.´i tooteid ma loomulikult ei armasta, ent mõned on leidnud koha mu kosmeetika kotis on kasutuses pea igapäev.
My favorite e.l.f. products
1 – Eyelid Primer in Sheer – This one costs £1.95/2.46€/1$ and for that money it is amazing! I like its applicator which makes applying primer on my lids convenient and depending on eye shadows I´m using, it keeps them nicely in place without creasing all day.
2 – Eyebrow Kit – I am currently using it in shade Light even though I do think that shade Ash looked better on me, but unfortunately it has been sold out on e.l.f.´s UK website since I don´t know when. Anyway I still love it, because it is convenient to use, helps to fill in my eyebrows and keeps them in place.
3 – Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder – Another great product which lasts forever and totally worth giving it a try.
4 – Moisturising Lipstick in Pink Minx – I´m not really a lipstick person, but still decided to try this one in the hopes that maybe it would be good. I have had it little over a week, but so far I actually love it and I am thinking about ordering some more shades. It lasts on my lips for a couple of hours and it doesn´t make my lips unpleasantly dry.
5 – Under Eye Concealer & Highlighter – The concealer and highlighter are on the thin side, but they do work on me. I like that it is double ended and so it very convenient to use and take with me when traveling.
6 – Tinted Moisturiser SPF20 – This was one of the tinted moisturises that I tried a few years ago and fell in love with it. It offers nice light coverage, it is lightweight and doesn´t feel heavy on my skin. Oh and did I mention that it contains SPF20? 😀
7 – Studio High Definition Powder in Translucent – To be honest when I ordered it a couple of years ago and started using it then I pretty much hated it. Probably the reason why I just couldn´t get along with it was bad powder brush (one very cheap one from Coastal Scents). Anyway I rediscovered it about six months ago and now I am actually loving it! It makes my makeup look nicely even, smooth and silky.
8 – Makeup Remover Cleanser Cloths – I love these because they remove all my makeup (including waterproof mascara) easily without leaving my skin unpleasantly sticky or dry.
9 – Studio Mineral Infused Face Primer in Clear – I like this one because it does a pretty good job hiding my first fine lines and makes my skin look more even. For its price (6.95£/8.75€/6$) it is definitely a great product!
Which are your favorite e.l.f. products?
Minu lemmik e.l.f. ilutooted
1 – Lauvärvi aluskreem toonis Sheer – Tegu on vägagi odava tootega (e.l.f.´i UK lehelt tellides normaalhinnaks 1.95£/2.46€) ja selle raha eest on see ikka väga hea toode. Mulle meeldib selle aplikaator, mis teeb toote peale kandmise lihtsaks. Sõltuvalt lauvärvidest (infoks, et kõigile lauvärvidele ei sobi kõik praimerid 😉 ) püsivad need peal terve päeva ilma tuhmumata või laukortsukestesse kadumata.
2 – Kulmupalett – praegu kasutan tooni Light, kuigi Ash sobis minu arvates mulle veidi paremini, ent kuna see on juba ma ei tea mis ajast olnud välja müüdud, siis lepime tooniga Light. Igatahes meeldib mulle e.l.f.´i kulmupalett kuna seda on mugav kasutada ning kulmud püsivad nö paigas terve päev.
3 – Kontuurimise põsepuna ja pruunistava puudri palett – veel üks, minu arvates super toode e.l.f.´lt, mis kestab kaua ning on kindlasti väärt proovimist.
4 – Niisutav huulepulk toonis Pink Minx – Ma küll ei ole eriline huulepulkade austaja, ent otsustasin seda siiski proovida lootes, et äkki on see hea. Mul on see olnud küll ainult veidi üle nädala, ent kuna ma olen seda praktiliselt igapäev kasutanud, siis hetkel on ta kindlalt mu lemmikute hulgas ning plaanis on veel mõned toonid kunagi juurde tellida.
5 – Silmaaluste peitja ja helendaja – tegu on üsna kergete toodetega ning väga tumedate silmaaluste puhul tõenäoliselt väga hästi ei tööta. Minu puhul aga see 2in1 toode toimib ja olen seda kasutanud päris mitu aastat.
6 – Toonitud niisutav kreem SPF20 – tegu oli ühe esimese toonitud kreemiga, mida mõned aastad tagasi proovisin ning see ja teised samalaadsed tooted hakkasid mulle meeldima 🙂 Selle kreemi puhul on hea, et see on nahal kerge, muudab nahatooni ühtlasemaks ning katab õrnalt. Suureks plussiks on ka SPF20 🙂
7 – HD puuder – kui nüüd aus olla, siis kui ma selle endale paar aastat tagasi tellisin ja kasutasin, siis ei meeldinud see mulle üldse. Ma arvan, et põhjuseks oli tõenäoliselt tollal kasutusel olnud kehv puudripintsel (mingi imeodav Coastal Scentsi oma). Igatahes umbes pool aastat tagasi avastasin selle uuesti ja katsetasin ning nüüd meeldib see mulle väga. See aitab muuta meigi lõppviimistluse ühtlasemaks, siledamaks ja siidisemaks.
8 – meigieemaldussalvrätid- olen neid korduvalt tellinud soodukate ajal ja tellin tõenäoliselt ka tulevikus. Reisil olles on need meigieemaldamiseks väga mugavad kuna eemaldavad isegi veekindla ripsmeka ning samas ei muuda nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks või kleepuvaks.
9 – Mineraalidega meigialuskreem/geel – mulle meeldib e.l.f.´i praimer kuna see aitab muuta minu esimesed kortsukesed vähem märgatavaks ning muudab naha ühtlasemaks. Selle hinna eest (6.95£/8.75€) on tegu igatahes väga hea tootega!
Jessica W. says
Awesome picks!
Amanda Val says
Love love love their blush in Pink Passion; a little stiff, but it’s got great colour and it’s an amazing matte for such a great price 🙂
Brittany says
I love their makeup cloths. They’re cheap and wonderful!
mybeautyjunction says
I need to try the Studio Infused Mineral Primer. I’ve heard it makes pores, fine lines and any unevenness disappear.
neversaydiebeauty says
I need to try more elf products. I underutilize them. Thanks for your recommendations!
Laura/Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
Lovely list of products 🙂 I should give a try some of them! xo’s
Pink Frenzy
beautyjudy says
I don’t really own any e.l.f. cosmetics right now, but I did pick up the concealer brush everyone loves for nail polish clean up!
Frankie CH says
I’ve only ever made one ELF order before, but I think I might place another one soon as these are some great picks! 🙂
Frankie x
Destany says
Great pics! i really need to use elf more!
Julie says
I have to be honest, I hated the eye primer, the mineral one was much better but it looks like it’s been discontinued 🙁 I really want to try the HD powder!
JustJulie | Beauty Blog
Leelo says
And I hated the mineral one for some reason 😀
jmelee1221 says
Love Love Love ELF. I totally need to get more of it, super great picks!!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
elf products are my favorite cheap treats!
sophie says
I have tried a few elf products before I think they are good for the price.
Noelle says
Pink Minx is the prettiest pink!
Betzy Carmona says
I really like the eyebrow duo
geniabeme says
I love the blush and bronzer duo!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
Great list!
Leelo says
makeupbylaurag says
ELF makes great stuff
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
ELF has an amazing product range!
Phyrra Nyx says
I love seeing your favorites! right now I like the undereye primer, hd undereye setting powder, and mascara primer
Leelo says
I haven´t tried these, yet. I have to remember these for the next time!
Mai says
These are some great picks! I’m partial to their mineral eye primer but the sheer one is cheaper!
Leelo says
I tried the mineral eye primer last year and for some reason I wasn´t loving it.
MarciaF says
I buy so much ELF. It’s so inexpensive in the US and is a fun pick me up.
Leelo says
Yes I´ve noticed that it is really inexpensive in US. Unfortunately it costs much more here in Europe, but oh well, it is inexpensive anyway 😀
litfromwithin9 says
I love ELF. I buy so much of their stuff, but there are still things on your faves list I haven’t tried! Next sale!
Leelo says
justina says
I rarely use elf, but I really do like their finishing powder!
Leelo says
🙂 I haven´t tried that one, yet.
Miranda says
I’m obsessed with their blush/bronzer duo!!!
Leelo says
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
I love ELF products. They are so underrated!
Leelo says
I think so too 🙂
honeygirlsworld says
I see a few of my favorites on your list too 😉
Leelo says
Which ones are your favorites?
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
elf is such a great brand!!
Lisa Heath says
ELF is amazing as a “best bang for your buck” brand!
Shelley Polarbelle says
I really need to try some ELF.
melodykewl says
Those are awesome picks though I still haven’t purchased anything by elf.
citizensofbeauty says
ELF has such great products!
LiisK says
e.l.f.’s synthetic Studio brushes are great when you get a good one – quality control issues are a problem with e.l.f.