For the last couple of days I have been googling and searching for a second car seat for my little mr.R. At the moment we are using Cybex Sirona and I absolutely love that seat, because it is just so convenient to use and seems that little mr.R loves it, too. Cybex Sirona is group 0+/1 car seat which means it is meant from birth up to about age 3 or 4 (18 kg) (Read more about this car seat from cybex-online.com). Little mr.R will be 1year 11months old when we will be needing the second car seat. At the moment he weighs about 15kg. The II/III group car seats are meant for children 15 and up (3-4 years up to ~12 years) and so here where the trouble begins for me. When I take in consideration only mr.R´s weight then 15-36kg car seats would be prefect option. Right? NO! Because he is just way too young and when I am looking at those 15-36kg car seats then I can´t imagine him being safe there, cause those are meant for older children. Group 1 car seats look great for him but those are meant only up to 18kg and so there is no point of getting a car seat from that group. So I have to choose something from group 1-3 (9-36kg).
Vahelduseks üks iluga mitte seonduv postitus. Teemaks siis lasteturvatoolid ning milline valida väikesele mr.R´le. Paar viimast päeva olen tegelenud guugledamisega ning enda hetkel 1a 9k pojale (siin blogis tuntud kui väike mr.R) teise turvatooli otsingutega. Hetkel on meil kasutuses Cybex Sirona ning mina ja tundub, et ka väike mr.R, on tooliga väga rahul. Cybex Sirona on 0/+1 grupi turvatool ja mõeldud 0-18kg ehk siis sünnist kuni kolmanda-neljanda eluaastani sellest toolist rohkem saad lugeda cybex-online.com). Ajaks kui meil lisatooli vaja on, on väike mr.R 1a 11k vana. Hetkel kaalub ta natuke alla 15kg ja järgmise grupi (grupp 2-3) turvatoolid ongi mõeldud 15-36kg lastele (3-4 kuni 11-12 aastastele) ja siin probleem nüüd hakkabki. Nagu isegi aru saate ei ole mul mõtet osta teist Sirona´t, sest 3kg pärast tuleb tool välja vahetada ja see on mõttetu. Kaalupoolest sobiks ju grupp 2-3 ehk siis 15-36kg, aga vaadates sellesse gruppi kuuluvaid toole, kus last hoiab toolis kinni vaid turvavöö, siis selle jaoks on ta vähem kui kaheaastasena ikka titt, mis titt ning seega see variant ei lähe mitte. Seega tuleb osta tool, mis sobib 9-36kg ehk siis 9 kuud kuni 11-12 aastat.
And the question is what to choose? I have made preselection, but what I would like to know is if any of you, my lovely readers have experience with any of these car seats or maybe you can recommend me something. So here is my preselection.
Olen teinud mingisuguse eelvaliku hetkel, aga kuna ma ei suuda otsustada, milline oleks kõige parem, siis siinkohal kallid lugejdad sooviskingi teie nõu: kas teil on nende allpool mainitud toolidega mingeid kogemusi või ehk oskate enda kogemustest soovitada midagi veelgi paremat? (võibolla ka selline tool, mida Eestis ei müüda).
So the ones I like are Recaro Monza Nova IS, Cybex Pallas 2-fix, Concord Transformer Pro and Cosatto Zoomi C-Rex. The first three car seats have Isofix system (which offers more security) and impact shield which is used up to 18kg/3-4 years. Also those car seats have great results to show in different safety tests.The fourth one is regular car seat without impact shields and isofixes, but I love its design! I also like Cosatto Troop car seat which has Isofix system and protective impact shield. But when it comes to Cosatto seats then I haven´t managed to find any test results 🙁
Well these were the ones I like so far and I would love to know if any of you have experience with any of these car seats or if you can suggest me something that I haven´t even thought about myself.
Niisiis toolid, mille vahel hetkel valin on Recaro Moza Nova IS, Cybex Pallas 2-fix, Concord Transformer Pro ja Cosatto Zoomi C-Rex. Kolm esimest on Isofix kinnitusega toolid (mis mulle väga meeldib!) ning lisaks on neil toolidel turvapadi, mis kasutusel siis kuni 18kg/3-4 aastani. Samuti on kõik need kolm tooli saanud erinevates turvalisuse testides kõrgeid tulemusi. Neljas tool, mis mulle väga meeldib oma disainilt on Cosatto C-Rex, ent sel toolil ei ole Isofix kinnitust ja samuti ei ole ma suutnud veel leida mingeid testitulemusi. Cosattolt meeldib mulle veel ka nende Isofix kinnituste ja turvapadjaga Troop tool, aga jällegi kogemusi tahaks kuulda.
Sellised on siis hetkel minu valikud. Ootan huviga kommentaare ja kogemusi nende toolidega või ehk oskate soovitada midagi veelgi paremat?
rsrote says
It’s been a while that I’ve had to shop for a seat—my lil man is 9; we went through a similar dilemma and safety won out over style–If you’ve found the info on the Cybex Pallas 2-fix and all way good I’d pick that one—I see RED FLAGS when I cannot find safety test info on a seat!
justina says
Great reminder that I totally need to buy my next little a car seat before she arrives!
Leelo says
Michele says
I’ve never had to buy a car seat as I have no children but I agree you have to be really careful so that your little one is safe and secure in the car. Have you checked out Consumer Reports on the internet. They usually will tell the truth!
Leelo says
I have, but I still can´t make up my mind 😀
foundfrolicking says
I’ve heard about this seat a lot! It looks amazing. I love that it’s more reclined than a normal bucket seat. My son couldn’t stand his bucket seat, and I know it was because it was at an awkward angle. Lucky little Mr. R!
Ave says
I have to by a new seat for my daughter too, but haven’t found one I like. I have heard good things about Cosatto Troop car seat though.
Chelsea says
I helped my best friend pick one out for her son earlier this year and man are there a ton of options!
Elayna Fernandez-Bare says
What a gorgeous child! I need to figure out what my second (front facing) car seat will be. This is helpful, thank you!
Kero Pinkihan (@Kero_P) says
Those are gorgeous car seat styles! we got a Ferrari one six years ago. we only have to remove the back and it tunrs to a booster seat. saved us some money too
Leelo says
That´s what I am looking for – the one that I can turn to a booster seat once little mr.R is old enough 🙂
Maria Constanza Oller Martin says
I’ve a Chicco keyfit for the baby but we are already planning to buy a convertible and the recaro is one of our favorites,closely followed by Cybex
Lexie Lane says
I love the look of these but of course that’s not everything. Safety comes first and after learning that some of our kids move onto the next car seat too fast, makes me feel a bit like I didn’t do enough homework! I’m sure you’ll make the right choice though. Just the fact that you’ve written this post is a lot of effort already. Your little guy is sooo cute!