Today I want to tell you about Byphasse Makeup Remover Wipes. I purchased these couple of months ago and I have been using them from time to time for removing my makeup. So are they any good? Read on 🙂
Täna tahan teile tutvustada Byphasse meigieemaldussalvrätte. Ostsin need mõned kuud tagasi Selveri laadapäevadelt ning olen neid nüüd aegajalt vajadusel kasutanud meigi eemaldamiseks. On nad aga ka effektiivsed? Loe edasi 🙂
Byphasse Makeup Remover Wipes for sensitive skin are quick and effective and they clean the face in one step. Even the smallest amount of residual make-up is removed. Enriched with sweet almond oil, their formula protects the skin and leaves is smooth.
Byphasse meigieemaldussalvrätid tundlikule nahale võimaldavad meigi täielikult eemaldada vaid ühe tõmbega. Need sisaldavad mandli õli, mis pehmendab ja kaitseb nahka.
Byphasse Makeup Remover Wipes come in soft package which has reclosable hard plastic lid. This lid has so well worked very well and the wipes are still moist.
Byphasse meigieemaldussalvrätid on mugavas pakendis, millel on plastikust taassuletav kaas. Kaas töötab senini hästi ning pakis veel alles olevas salvakad on endiselt niisked.
Byphasse Makeup Remover Wipes are soft. They are scented and the scent sometimes seems bit too strong for my liking.
Byphasse meigieemaldussalvrätid on hästi mõnusalt pehmed. Need on lõhnastatud ning vahetevahel tundub see lõhn liiga tugev.
My opinion of Byphasse Makeup Remover Wipes
- good packaging with reclosable lid
- wipes are made of soft material and so they are not harsh on my skin
- remove makeup from my face easily and there won´t be any traces of makeup
- hasn´t irritated my skin even if I have used them for a week every day
- don´t irritate my eyes
- doesn´t dry out my skin
- isn´t very effective for removing eye makeup and won´t remove waterproof mascara
- leaves my skin kind of sticky
Overall these are nice wipes and do what they are supposed to do. I wish they´d do better work at removing eye makeup. Would I purchase these again? Probably not.
Minu arvamus Byphasse meigieemaldusalvrättidest
- hea pakend taassuletava kaanega
- salvrätid on tehtud pehmest materjalist ja ei kraabi nahka
- näolt eemaldavad meigi lihtsalt ja täielikult
- ei ole ärritanud mu nahka ka mitte, siis kui olen neid mitu päeva järjest kasutanud
- ei ole silmadele ärritavalt mõjunud
- ei muuda nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks
- ei ole väga effektiivsed silmameigi eemaldamiseks ja veekindla ripsmetušiga ei saa üldse hakkama
- jätavad naha kleepuvaks
Kokkuvõttes on tegu ok meigieemaldusalvrättidega, mis saavad üldjoontes hakkama  sellega, milleks nad ettenähtud on. Tore oleks muidugi, kui ma silmameigi eemaldamiseks nad paremini sobiksid. Kas ma ostaks neid veel? Tõenäoliselt mitte.
Arielle says
I have yet to find a makeup wipe that I’m over the moon about! It sounds like this is just an ok option.
Hannah Pearlman (@DalaiHannah) says
hmmm sticky skin doesn’t sound that pleasant to me!
Brittany says
Oh noooo….highly scented? That suuuucks. My super sensitive nose doesn’t take to highly scented products.
Jessica W. says
What a great review! Thanks!