Hi beauties! Today i´m going to show you the last of 10 Avon Gel Finish nail polishes which I ordered back in May. This shade is called Sterling and you can guess from the name it is silver nail polish.
Hei kaunitarid! Täna on mul teile näitamiseks viimane enda kümnest Avon Gel Finish küünelakist. Selle tooni nimi on Sterling ning tegu on hõbedatooni lakiga.
On my nails you can see two coats of Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling. I did not use base coat, but I had to use fast drying topcoat (Essie Good To Go) this time, because I just did not have time to wait until this nail polish dried.
Minu küüntel näete kahte kihti Avon Gel Finish küünelakki toonis Sterling. Aluslakki ma ei kasutanud, aga kuna mul oli kiire ja polnud aega oodata, et lakk jõuaks loomulikult kuivada, siis kasutasin seekord siiski kiirkuivatavat lakki (Essie Good To Go).
So what can I say about Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling? Well if you have seen my previous Avon Gel Finish nail polishes reviews the you probably know that their formula is hit and miss. I like Sterling because it actually looked opaque in just one coat! But for perfect result I decided to add a second coat. The first coat of Sterling dried in a couple of minutes whereas two coats took forever to dry. I did notice a slight tip wear on the second day, but it was barely noticeable. When it comes to this color then I just love it! It reminds me of e.l.f Metal Madness a bit, but Sterling doesn´t contain that much mutlicolored sparkles, but also Sterlings formula is much better.
Mida mul Avon Gel Finish küünelaki toonis Sterling kohta öelda on? Kui te olete juhtunud lugema minu varasemaid Gel Finish lakkide arvustusi, siis teate, et nende lakkide kvaliteet on nii ja naa. Sterlin meeldib mulle kuna läbipaistamatu tulemuse jaoks piisas tegelikult ühest kihist, mis samas kuivas vaid paari minutiga. Siiski kasutasin seekord küüntel kahte kihti lakki kuna soovisin veel ilusamat tulemust. Samas aga võtab kahe kihi kuivamine ikka väga pikalt aega. Minu küüntel on see lakk praeguseks olnud juba päris mitu päeva ning teisel kandmispäeval oli küüneotstes näha esimesi kulumisjälgi, aga need olid üsna vaevumärgatavad. Sterlingu hõbedane toon mulle väga meeldib. Natuke meenutab mulle see lakk e.l.f´i Metal Madnessi, ent nende erinevus on selles, et Sterlingu koostis tundub parem (hind on ka kallim 😉 ) ning Metal Madness sisaldab tillukesi värvilisi sädelevaid osakesi.
Avon Gel Finish küünelakke saab osta Avon´i konsultantide kaudu. Valikus on 24 tooni. Minul on neist olemas 10 tooni (Sheer Love, Parfait Pink, Fabulous, Sterling, Lavender Sky, Purplicious, Limoncello, Glimmer, Royal Vendetta ja Envy).
makeupbylaurag says
WOOOOWWW…. that shade is awesome. Seriously!
fabulouskath says
I like the color more than anything!
Just Jesss says
Oooh this is pretty! Sterling is the perfect name for the shade, too 🙂
Jess xo
Frankie CH says
Really pretty polish, I love it!
Frankie x
litfromwithin9 says
Looks like a blue steel color to me. Love! I hate that Avon polishes (with the exception of the Speed Dry) always take FOREVER to dry on me.
Alice Furlan says
beautiful color! makes me want to pair it with a smokey eye! 🙂
Alice|Alice’s Beauty Madness
Laura/Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
Võrratult ilus toon! 🙂
Pink Frenzy
Tina Bowling (@tinabeana12) says
Great color, I will have to try these from Avon.
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
Nice swatches!!
sophie says
lovely nail shades 🙂
Jessica W. says
This is such a gorgeous polish!
jmelee1221 says
this color is gorgeous. I am a HUGE grey fan and this is totally screaming my name!!!
neversaydiebeauty says
I like this one a lot!
Phyrra Nyx says
I love this color! so cool!
Leelo says
I love it too, even though at first I wasn´t sure about it.
pammyblogsbeauty says
Very pretty shade!
Kim says
Pretty color. I feel like I have a polish in this exact shade.
Leelo says
Really? I´d like to know what it is 🙂
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
Nice metallic shade!
Betzy Carmona says
This is such a pretty shade 🙂 I wish I didn’t have so many bridges on my nails to be able to wear a shade similar to this
justina says
That is such an incredible shade!
Ange (@angejim0531) says
Such a pretty finish!!
Cosmetics Aficionado says
Such a lovely shade!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
The color is so pretty. Bummer about the tip wear!
Kimberly (@libbyspinkvanit) says
That’s a lovely shade. Thanks for sharing!
geniabeme says
I love a one coat polish!!
Aprill says
glamorable says
Very pretty color!
Miranda says
Loving the finish on this!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
I really like this one. It reminds me of the colour of my car.
Leelo says
citizensofbeauty says
I really like this polish color!