You all probably know that is one of my fav online stores and today I´m showing you what I have lately ordered from there.
Enamik mu blogi jälgijaid teab, et on üks minu lemmik online poode ning täna näitan teile, mida sealt viimasel ajal kokku olen ahnitsenud.
- Mineral Fusion Volumizing Shampoo & Conditioner. I have previously used Mineral Fusion facial wash, toner, lip gloss and when iHerb had 20% off offer on entire Mineral Fusion line then I decided to try their shampoo and conditioner. I have used them couple of times and so far I have nothing bad to say about these 🙂
- Andalou Naturals Age Defying Skin Care Essentials travel pack. This is a great set for dry skin and very convenient to take with me. I have used all 5 products in this set and I like them a lot!
- Madre Labs Witch Hazel Toner. This cost 2$ only and so why not give it a try. So far so good. It doesn´t make my skin dry and it helps to remove the last traces of makeup.
- Country Life Maxi-Hair Plus. Hopefully it will help to make my nails stronger again and maybe even do something good to my hair. The capsules are quite big so for those who have trouble swallowing bigger capsules and tablets these probably won´t be very suitable.
- Madre Labs Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil Softgels. I take Omega-3 capsules every day and since there discount on those on iHerb then I decided to try them. They do have a little bit fishy scent and the softgels are quite big.
- ZOI Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil. I ordered a trial size (30 softgels) and paid 1$ for it. Again the softgels are quite big and there is a bit fish scent.
- Mineral Fusion volüümi andev šampoon ja palsam. Olen varasemalt kasutanud Mineral Fusioni näopesu geeli, toonikut ja huule läiget ning kui sel kevadel iHerb´l oli uuesti ekstra 20% lisasoodustus kõigile iHerb´i toodetele, siis otsustasingi ära proovida ka nende šampooni ja palsami. Olen neid nüüdseks mõned korrad ka kasutada jõudnud ning midagi halba nende toodete kohra öelda ei ole – täitsa head on hoopis 🙂
- Andalou Naturals Age Defying 5 tootega reisikomplekt. Tegu on väga hea komplektiga kuivale nahale ning minisuuruses tooteid on mugav kaasa võtta. Olen kõiki viit toodet kasutanud ning muljed on igati positiivsed.
- Madre Labs nõiapähkliga toonik. Kuna see maksis vaid 2$, siis nii ta minu ostukorvi rändaski. Senised muljed on head: nahk ei ole ebameeldivalt kuiv pärast selle kasutamist ning samuti saavad nahalt eemaldatud ka viimasedki meigi jäägid.
- Country Life Maxi-Hair Plus. Loodetavasti aitavad need kapslid muuta mu küüned jälle tugevamaks ning avaldab positiivset mõju ka mu juustele. Kapslid on üsna suured ning seega neile, kel suurte tablettide ja kapslite neelamine raskusi tekitab ei ole need tõenäoliselt just kõige sobilikumad.
- Madre Labs Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil kalaõli kapslid. Mina võtan Omega-3 kapsleid igapäev ning kuna nendel Madre Labsi kapslitel oli soodukas, siis mõtlesingi need prooviks tellida. Ka need kapslid on suuremat sorti. Samuti on õrnalt tunda kalalõhna.
- ZOI Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil lõheõli kapslid. Tellisin 30kapsliga nö näidise 1$ eest. Ka need kapslid on üsna suured ning õrnalt on tunda ka kalalõhna.
- Physician´s Formula Mineral Wear Flawless Complexion Kit in Light. I overall like Physicians Formula products and when iHerb offered an extra 20% off on their products then I just had to order something. This kit seemed really interesting and so I ordered it. I have used it a couple of times and I like the kit but I do hate the Matte Finishing Veil´s built in brush – it just feels so harsh on my skin and also it sheds a lot!
- Physician´s Formula Glow & Mood boosting blush. It looks very pretty, but I don´t know how it looks on me, because I haven´t tried it yet 😛
- Physician´s Formula Mineral Wear veatu jumestuse komplekt. Üldiselt mulle Physician´s Formula tooted meeldivad ning kui iHerb´l oli lisa 20% soodustus neile, siis ma lihtsalt pidin midagi uut neilt proovima. See komplekt tundus huvitav ja samuti olid sellel head kommentaarid. Olen seda nüüdseks mõned korrad kasutanud ja üldiselt olen rahul – ühe väikese erandiga. Nimelt Matte Finishing Veil puudri sisseehitatud pintsel on jube! Nahal tundub ta selline kraapiv ning lisaks ajab karvu :S
- Physician´s Formula Glow&Mood boosting põsepuna. See näeb lihtsalt nii kena välja. Aga milline ta mu nahal välja näeb, seda ma veel ei tea kuna pole selle kasutamiseni veel jõudnud.
Pauline says
Great haul you have here! Love the Physician’s Formula blushes!
<3 Pauline, Addicted to Makeup
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
IDK why but looking at your post makes me want to go out and haul Physician’s Formula! Enablerrrrr
litfromwithin9 says
I used to love those products with the built-in brush, but now that I know what quality brushes feel like – and how often they should be cleaned! – I can’t stand to use them anymore. Spoiled by blogs!
makeupbylaurag says
so many great things! I never shop there
XO, Noelle says
I’ve never heard of iHerb but it looks like you got a lot for very little! 🙂
Betzy Carmona says
Such a great variety of stuff!
glamorable says
That’s a great haul! You sure picked up some nice goodies 🙂
citizensofbeauty says
Love everything! But I especially love the fish oil. I feel like it makes a great difference with my skin!