Hi! I haven´t done any #Hepicksmypolish manicure for a while now and so today I have one of those manicures for you. This time the nail polishes were chosen by mr.R. Since he was in a hurry then he just randomly grabbed 3 polishes. I actually think that he made great picks, even though at first I just couldn´t figure out what to create.
Hei! Ma ei ole tükk aega teinud ühtegi #Hepicksmypolish küünemaalingut (ehk siis küünemaalingu nö väljakutse, kus kasutatakse kolme lakki, mis on valitud meessoost isiku poolt (olgu see siis mees, vend, poeg, isa, sõber …. ) nende enda maitse järgi). Minu lakid valis seekord mr.R ja kuna tal oli kiire, siis ta enamvähem kinnisilmi haaras esimesed 3 ettejuhtunud lakki. Olen tegelikult mr.R´i valikuga rahul, ent alguses olin siiski ideedepuuduses, mida küll teha võiks.
So this time mr.R picked Maybelline mini Colorama nail polish in 19 Marshmallow, W.I.C by Herome Cabana Beach and Maybelline Colorama #50. I started my manicure with a coat of Maybelline mini Colorama Marshmallow. Next I added striping tape and then I sponged Cabana Beach, Marshmallow and Maybelline Colorama #50 on my nails using makeup sponge. I removed the striping tape and finished my manicure with a coat of Essie Good To Go topcoat.
Seekord valis mr.R siis järgmised lakid: Maybelline mini Colorama toonis 19 Marshmallow, W.I.C by Herome laki toonis Cabana Beach ning Maybelline Colorama laki #50. Seekord oli küünte tegemise esimeseks sammuks 1 kiht Marshmallow´t. Lasin sel täielikult kuivada ning siis lisasin küünemaalingu teibi küüntele. Edasi kandsin meigisvammi abiga küüntele Cabana Beach´i, Marshmallow ja Colorama #50 lakid. Lõpetuseks kandsin küüntele Essie Good To Go pealislaki.
Sarah T says
This is so unique! I love it!
Eugenia says
I love the colors together!
jmelee1221 says
Love the colors together and the squiggle. Super cute!!!
Diva In Me says
Wow! These nails are gorgeous!!
Jessica W. says
Oh, I love this look! He picked great polishes, even if he was in a hurry! 🙂
Leelo says
He did! 😀
Erika says
That is very pretty, and great pics!
Aleya Bamdad says
Awesome design
NORAH says
Love this mani, the colors look so pretty!
Miranda says
He always does such a great job picking colors that work together!
Jess Scull says
Such a cool mani – Love the colors together!
Phyrra Nyx says
Such a neat design!
Kimberly (@libbyspinkvanit) says
That is lovely!!!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
what a fun design!
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
Beautiful! Love the colors together!
makeupbylaurag says
I love the color choices!
Nidia - Lit From Within says
You did a great job! I’m a little nervous to do this challenge, but maybe I should try it!
Justina says
So pretty!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Very cool. Love it!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
How sweet – I love how this turned out!
glamorable says
So beautiful and different!
StephanieLouise says
Very pretty design!
citizensofbeauty says
love your design! so cool!
Ashley says
Love the design and the color gradients. He did a good job again. =)
Betzy Carmona says
Gorgeous shades put together