Hi! Time for another Celebrate the Occasion nail art challenge post. Today´s theme was Party On! When I think of party nails then there’s gotta be some bling and so glitter nails it is! For my glitter party manicure I used W.I.C by Herome nail polish in Kontiki Beach (seen HERE) and two Models Own glitter polishes: Pink Fizz (seen HERE) and Magenta Divine (seen HERE)
Hei! Aeg järgmiseks Celebrate the Occasion nail art challenge väljakutse küünedisainiks. Tänaseks teemaks oli Party On! Kui ma mõtlen peoga seotud küünte peale, siis mulle millegi pärast seostuvad need säraga ja seega tegingi seekord litter maniküüri. Enda küünte jaoks kasutasin kolme lakki: W.I.C by Herome lillat lakki Kontiki Beach, Models Own roosakat litter lakki Pink Fizz ja lillat litter lakki Magenta Divine.
I first applied 1 coat W.I.C by Herome Kontiki Beach to my nails and let it dry completely. Then I added glitter polishes using makeup sponge. I finished my manicure with 2 coats of Essie Good To Go top coat.
Kõigepealt kandsin küüntele ühe kihi W.I.C by Herome lakki Kontiki Beach ja lasin sel täielikult kuivada. Edasi kandsin küüntele litter lakid kasutades selleks meigikäsna. Maniküüri viimaseks sammuks oli 2 kihti Essie Good To Go kiirkuivatavat lakki.
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An InLinkz Link-up
Airika says
Ilusad. Aga üks küsimus. Kuidas sa selle pärast maha saad? Minu läikelakid ei taha kuidagi pärast küünelt maha tulla, isegi mitte selle netist tuntud fooliumi nipiga. 🙁
Leelo says
Seni on fooliumi asi töötanud, kuigi jah fooliumis peab küüsi hoidma vahel kuni 10minutit. Alati tasub katsetada mõnda teist küünelaki eemaldajat. Ise kasutan praegu näiteks Dependi Super Quick küünelakieemaldit ja kunagi ammu sai ka mingit Maybelline oma kasutatud, mis sai litterlakkide eemaldamisega hakkama. Aga jah aeganõudev tegevus on see :S
Airika says
Vabandust, mitte läikelakk vaid litterlakk.
Eugenia says
I really like the mix of those 2 colors!
Nidia - Lit From Within says
Very party! Much bling!
jmelee1221 says
What a great blend of colors and bling bling. Love it.!!
Jessica W. says
I heart this so much! What a sparkly great look! 😀
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
love this combo!
Aleya Bamdad says
I love the color combo and the sparkle. Such a fun design.
Leticia (@CosmAficionado) says
Those colors really compliment each other well!
Phyrra says
I love all the bling!
neversaydiebeauty says
What a cool idea! love the glitter look
makeupbylaurag says
WOO HOO Glitterrrrr! Everytime I see Party On I think of Wayne and Garth!
Jess Scull says
So much bling – Love it!
honeygirlsworld says
These colors together are awesome. It reminds me of a nail applique I got from a company once… now I can’t remember the name of the company – dang it. Gorgeous!
Miranda says
So fun!
Kelly R says
I love the colors and the sparkle is amazing!
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
Beautiful! Love sparkly nails like these!
NORAH says
Love these nails, so festive and fun!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Very pretty!
Justina says
Fun challenge and very cute mani!
Kath TheFabZilla (@thefabzilla) says
That’s some glitter party mani! I love it
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Beautiful! I love glitters
Noelle says
This is so fun!
Melody Robinson Wright says
Fun and Festive Nails!
StephanieLouise says
Love it- so glitzy!
citizensofbeauty says
cute glitzy combo!