Time for another Avon product review. My today´s review is about Avon Naturals Moisturising Hair Treatment Mask with Avocado & Macadamia. I purchased it because I had good experience with Avon Advance Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argain Oil products and so since this hair mask was promised to contain macadamia and avocado then I just had to try it.
Vahelduseks üks toote arvustus. Minu selle nädala esimene arvustus on Avon Naturals niisutavast juuksemaskist makadaamiapähkli ja avokaadoga. Ostsin (õigemini küll tellisin) selle endale kuna minu eelnev kogemus Avon Advance Techniques 360 niisutava Argaania õliga šampooni ja palsamiga oli positiivne ning seega otsustasin ära proovida ka selle juuksemaski.
Avon Naturals Moisturising Hair Treatment Mask Avocado & Macadamia is, as you can guess, a moisturising hair mask, which is suitable for all hair types. Using it is easy. After shampooing massage a small amount through damp hair and leave for 1-3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.
Avon Naturals niisutav juuksemask avokaado ja makadaamiapähkliga on sobilik kõigile juuksetüüpidele. Selle kasutamine on lihtne. Pärast juustepesu kanna väike kogus maski niisketesse juustesse ja lase mõjuda 1-3 minutit. Pärast mõjuaja lõppu loputa korralikult.
My opinion about Avon Naturals Moisturising Hair Treatment Mask Avocado & Macadamia
I used this hair mask for about 1,5 months once or twice a week and I wasn´t impressed. I won´t even start with the misleading name – Naturals, because there really aren´t many natural ingredients in this hair mask and macadamia oil and avocado are in the 12th and 13th place in the ingredients after paraben :S Meaning they also don´t have much effect in this hair mask.
Anyway the mask itself was nothing special really. This hair mask was green and had very pleasant scent. Appying it to my damp hair was easy and also rinsing it out wasn´t difficult either. Unfortunately for my dyed blonde hair this mask just wasn´t enough. It did make them easy to detangle while my hair was still damp. But when I had problems with dangles in my dry hair then getting them out was a whole different story. I just felt that this mask added no moisture to my hair and so it was pretty useless.
Overall I am dissappointed in this hair mask because it did nothing to my hair and also there isn´t really anything natural about this product.
Minu arvamus Avon Naturals niisutavast juuksemaskist avokaado ja makadaamiapähkliga
Kokku kasutasin ma seda juuksemaski umbes 1,5 kuud, kord või kaks nädalas ja kahjuks pean tunnistama, et midagi erilist see juuksemask ei olnud. Ma ei hakka parem üldse põhjalikumalt peatuma selle eksitaval nimel – Naturals (looduslik, naturaalne), sest neid naturaalseid koostisosi siin eriti ei ole. Avokaado ja makadaamiapähkliõli on üldse alles pärast parabeeni 12. ja 13. kohal koostisosade nimekirjas. Ehk siis mingit effekti nad selles juuksemaskis reaalselt ei anna.
Nagu ma juba mainisin, siis vaimustust see juuksemask minu ei tekitanud. Mask ise oli rohelist värvi ja hästi mõnusa lõhnaga. Selle niisketele juustele kandmine ning pärast välja loputamine olid lihtsad. Kahjuks aga ei teinud minu blondiks värvitud juustele see mask midagi erilist. Pärast pesu niisketest juustest sai veel pusad lahtikammitud ent kui hiljem kuivades juustes päevajooksul mõni pusa tekkis, siis nendest jagu saamine oli juba ise teema. Ma tundsin, et minu juustele see juuksemask mingit niisutust vms turgutust ei pakkunud.
Kokkuvõttes olen sellest juuksemaskis pettunud kuna minu juustel oli ta suhteliselt kasutu ning samuti pole selles tootes midagi naturaalset.
Pauline says
Will definitely be skipping this product! I’ve loved the Aussie Leave in Conditioner for years, not going to vere away towards it! Thanks for the review.
<3 Pauline, Addicted to Makeup
makeupbylaurag says
So funny that everything is marketing itself as natural lately
Leelo says
But people believe it and purchase those “natural” products :S I knew that there´s no way it´s natural, but still I just had to try it.
Erika says
Doesn’t like something I would be interested in trying. I am also dyed blonde. I need moisture, not a bunch of silicone. A little is fine, but too much just coats my hair and gunks it up, leaving it feel even more dried out and like plastic. 😛
pinksith says
Ugh. I hate when conditioners don’t work..and to have the oils so low on the list of ingredients is disappointing. I am a dark blonde that colors my hair red so I get tangles too. I’ll be staying away from this one. Thanks for the honest review!
Eugenia says
OOOO! Hair masks are my current obsession!
Leticia (@CosmAficionado) says
What a bummer it wasn’t that great 🙁
neversaydiebeauty says
That’s too bad you were disappointed. I’m using Arvazallia Argan Oil Mask and it’s great
Leelo says
I have read that it is really great mask so I think I have to try it! 🙂
Aleya Bamdad says
What a bummer about the ingredients and the results.
beautyjudy says
I’m grateful for your honest review on this. I will be taking a pass on this!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
Aw, I’m sorry it didn’t work out, Thanks for the heads up!
Lisa Heath says
Too bad it didn’t work out. I love hair masks, but I’ll skip on this!
Phyrra (@Phyrra) says
Good to know it’s one to skip!
Nidia - Lit From Within says
I’m loving hair masques recently, but I’ll skip this one. I need serious detangling! Thanks for the honest review!
honeygirlsworld says
that’s a bummer that this one didn’t work. Thanks for sharing – now I know not to pick it up.
Kelly R says
Sorry it didn’t work for you. Thanks for the honest review!
NORAH says
One to skip and what a shame they mislabel a product.
Miranda says
Sad it didn’t work for ya!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Too bad it didn’t work but thanks for a honest review!
Justina says
Bummer that it didn’t work out for you! I have the same experience with Carol’s Daughter. Their hair masks make my hair feel terrible.
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
I love how brands throw around the natural label. I guess without regulation there is nothing to stop them.
glamorable says
I really don’t like when brands label everything as “natural” lately when it’s not even close. Thanks for your honest review, I’ll be skipping this one for sure.
Betzy Carmona says
Such a bummer how they don’t label stuff properly
StephanieLouise says
Boo! I hope you find another one you do like!
Leelo says
I´m sure I will 🙂
Kristyn says
great honest review!