Hi! My Instagram followers saw on Saturday my Avon haul and that I had ordered 10 Avon Gel Finish nail polishes. Today I want to show you the first one – shade Sheer Love. I applied it on my nails on Saturday and by now it has been on my nails for almost 48 hours. Avon Gel Finish nail polish is described as 3-in-1 nail polish.
- It is smoothing and protecting base coat
- bright color just in one coat
- strengthening and shiny top coat
- Avon Gel Finish nail polish has precise nail polish brush for perfect application
Hei! Minu Instagrami jälgijad nägid laupäeval minu viimase Avoni tellimuse sisu, milles oli 10 uut Avoni Gel Finish küünelakki. Täna tahan teile, siis näidata neist esimest – tooni Sheer Love. Enda küüntele kandsin ma selle laupäeval ning praeguseks hetkeks on see minu küüntel olnud 48 tundi. Avon Gel Finish küünelakk on kirjelduse järgi kolm-ühes küünelakk.
- see on siluv ja kaitsev aluskiht
- tagab kirka värvi vaid ühe lakikihiga
- see on tugevdav ja läikiv pealiskiht
- Avon Gel Finish küünelakil on täpne pintsel, mis tagab täiuslikult ühtlase tulemuse
On my nails you can see 2 coats of Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sheer Love. I did not use any basecoat nor topcoat. Sheer Love is very very light pink nail polish shade.
Minu küüntel näete siin 2 kihti Avon Gel Finish küünelakki toonis Sheer Love. Seekord ei ole kasutatud alus ega pealislakki. Sheer Love on hästi hele hele roosa toon.
My opinion about Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sheer Love
As I mentioned I have had this nail polish on my nails for 48 hours by now. I am amazed that by now there really ain´t no visible tip wear nor chipping. I like this nail polish´s precise brush, because thanks to the brush it is easy to apply the nail polish. Even though it is promised to give bright nail color just in one coat then I needed 2 coats of perfect opaque result, because the first coat looked kind of uneven and bit patchy. Avon Gel Finish nail polish drying time isn´t really something I like. It took about 10 minutes ,I think the first coat to get completely dry and since I had to add second coat, too, then it took even longer to get the nail polish to get completely dry. What I really like about this nail enamel is that, just as promised it looks nice and shiny without any topcoat.
Overall I think that Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sheer Love it good nail polish and I can´t wait to try the rest of the shades I ordered.
Minu arvamus Avon Gel Finish küünelakist toonis Sheer Love
Nagu ma juba mainisin siis Avon Gel Finish küünelakk toonis Sheer Love on minu küüntel olnud nüüdseks enam vähem 48 tundi. Väga meeldiv üllatus on see, et selle aja jooksul ei ole küünteotsast veel lakk maha kulunud ega pole ka laki tükikesi ära hakanud tulema. Sellel küünelakil on hea ja tõesti täpne hari, millega on mugav küünelakki küünele kanda. Kuigi lubatakse, et särava värvi saab küüntele vaid ühe lakikihiga, siis minu küüntel näete siis 2 kihti Avon Gel Finish küünelakki toonis Sheer Love kuna esimene kiht jäi kuidagi ebaühtlane ja laiguline. Selle küünelaki juures ei meeldi mulle selle kuivamisaeg. Olles harjunud lakkidega, mis enamvähem kuivad on vähem kui 5 minutiga, siis selle laki puhul läks 10minutit ära ning teise lakikihi kuivamine võttis veelgi enam aega. Positiivne on aga see, et nagu lubatud, siis tõesti jäi see lakk küüntel läikiv ja seda ilma igasuguse pealislakita.
Kokkuvõttes olen siiski Avon Gel Finish lakiga toonis Sheer Love rahul.
Avon Gel Finish küünelakke saab osta Avon´i konsultantide kaudu. Valikus on 24 tooni. Minul on neist olemas 10 tooni (Sheer Love, Parfait Pink, Fabulous, Sterling, Lavender Sky, Purplicious, Limoncello, Glimmer, Royal Vendetta ja Envy). Et näha ka teisi toone, siis püsige lainel ja jälgige blogi Bloglovin´s
Manasi says
lovely nail paint!
Eugenia says
This polish looks nice! Awesome that there is no chips!!
lauren says
thats a great colour, its almost white but really shiney not tip ex look. ive heard these gel polishes can be really good, dont think i coudl handle 10mins drying time without smudging though.
Anastasia says
Too bad about the blotchiness and long drying time, but I’m glad that you still like it in the end. The color is lovely!
jmelee1221 says
This shade is gorgeous. And 48 hours and no sign of tip wear or chipping. Hmmmm…. I may just need to snag a few of these. Great post!
Laura/Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
See on vaga ilus varv suveks 🙂
litfromwithin9 says
Two coats for a color that light isn’t too bad… but 10 minutes to dry for one coat? I’d never make it. It would be dinged up before it dried! lol.
NORAH says
Never tried Avon nail polish, this one looks like a must have!
neversaydiebeauty says
I haven’t tried any Avon products in quite a while. Looks like a good one to start with!
Leticia (@CosmAficionado) says
Lovely shade, and awesome that it went so long without chips!
Phyrra Nyx says
I wanted to try the Avon Gel finish!
Kelly R says
This polish looks great!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
That sounds like great wear – would love to try these.
citizensofbeauty says
This is a gorgeous color!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I’m loving this gel finish formula
Miranda says
48 hours is a lot longer than some nail polishes last on me, so that’s impressive in and of itself!
Betzy Carmona says
It’s a very pretty shade! Such a bummer about how long it lasts
Lisa Heath says
Gorgeous color! Too bad it was a little difficult!
Kim says
I love this color on you. I’m supposed to order some avon soon from my mom. I’ll look into their polishes
Ange (@angejim0531) says
I need that shade! LOVE!
Melody Robinson Wright says
That’s a pretty polish!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
It does appear to have a really high-shine finish. Lastability doesn’t bother me much. If it lasts more than 24 hours I’m a happy chappy.
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
makeupbylaurag says
sounds like a good formula
Kath TheFabZilla (@thefabzilla) says
that looks like a pretty neutral polish to me!
anni says
Mõtlesin ka neid vahepeal tellida proovimiseks, kartsingi et kuivamine võtab kaua aega. Sel juhul pole see lakk minule, sest pole nii kannatlik, et kuivamist kaua oodata, suudan tihti ka kiiresti kuivavate lakkidega maniküüri untsu keerata 😀 See toon on aga väga ilus, igapäevaseks kandmiseks ideaalne, ootan siiski postitusi ka teistest toonidest äkki muudan veel meelt 🙂
Leelo says
Alati on variant kasutada ikkagi kiirkuivatavat lakki 🙂 Katsetasin ise ühel küünel ka kiirkuivatava lakiga ning kuivas kiiremini ära ja mingit vahet teiste küüntega, kus seda ei kasutanud ei ole täheldanud seni.
mycosmeticbag says
48 hours is pretty good!
Leelo says
It actually lasted almost 5 days and then I just removed it because I wanted to try another shade 😛