Hi! Last weekend we were traveling around in Eastern Estonia and so we decided to stay in Sagadi Manor hotel. We were actually looking other hotels /hostels, too on booking.com, but the Sagadi Manor seemed the best choice at that moment.
Hei! Eelmisel nädalavahetusel käisime mr.R´ga ida-eestiga tutvumas ja puhkamas ning ööbimis paigaks valisime seekord Sagasi mõisa hotelli. Tegelikult vaatasime booking.com´s ka teisi seal kandis asuvaid hotelle jm ööbimisvõimalusi, ent Sagadi mõis tundus kõige parem valik.
Sagadi Manor is located in Lahemaa National Park. It is just only an hour´s drive from the capital city of Estonia – Tallinn. The complex itself is really beautiful. The history of Sagadi manorial estate dates back more than 500 years. Today, the former granaries, stables, dairy house, carriage house, cow barns, and other buildings have new functions. Sagadi is the site of a forest museum, a manor museum, a nature school, a hotel, and a restaurant.
Sagadi mõis asub Lahemaa rahvuspargis, tunniajase autosõidu kaugusel Tallinnast. Mõisa rohkem kui 500 aasta vanune kompleks on väga ilus. Kõigil kompleksis asuvatel hoonetel (tallidel, meiereil, lautadel jm) on praegu uued funktsioonid. Sagadi mõisas asub metsamuuseum, mõis-muuseum, hotell ja hostel, looduskool ja restoran.
Sagadi Manor hotel
So we spent one night at Sagadi Manor hotel standard double room. The room itself was very roomy with big double bed, TV, sofa and bathroom with shower. There is also free wifi connection available, but it was quite slow and I still used my own Samsung phone for internet connection.
Meie veetsime ühe öö Sagadi mõisa hotelli kaheses standardtoas. Tuba oli avar. Toas oli suur voodi, TV, koduselt mugav diivan ja vannituba. Olemas oli ka tasuta wifi, ent kuna see oli minu jaoks aeglane (olen lihtsalt kiirema netiühendusega harjunud), siis kasutasin lõpuks ikkagi enda netti läbi mobiiltelefoni.
The bathroom was quite small, but it was clean and nothing bad to say about it.
Vannituba oli üsna väike ent puhas ja ega midagi halba selle kohta öelda ei olegi.
I loved out short stay at Sagadi manor. It was just so relaxing and peaceful. It is great place if you love nature and want to get away from all the rush of everyday life.
You can find out more about Sagadi manor from sagadi.ee website.
Sagadi mõis ja hotell sobivad hästi, siis kui soovid peatuda rahus ja vaikuses ja saada eemale argipäeva melust. Nautisin väga kevadist tärkavat rohelust ja rahu.
Rohkem infot Sagadi mõisast ja selle poolt pakutavast leiad sagadi.ee lehelt.
Michele says
Somehow I doubt I will ever make it to Estonia. That hitel certainly would be a place I would stay if I did. I love being surrounded by nature and prefer a quiet, relaxing vacation if I am going to take one.
Leelo says
Debbie L. says
Very unique and lovely hotel – I love the grounds.
Karen Dawkins says
What is the price per night compared to other lodging in the area? This looks beautiful — even with the small bathroom. Is it expensive?
Leelo says
The hotels in that area are pretty much in the same price range. The regular price for this type of room at Sagadi manor hotel is 80€/per night, but we booked through booking.com and ended up paying 65€.
Kim says
I love the look of the manor. The rooms look homey.
Ave says
I have visited Sagadi Manor couple of times and it is a really great place for a relaxing weekend! Great photos!
Anastasia says
I’ve only visited Estonia once and we stayed in a small hotel in Tallinn 🙂 It was fun, and I liked the garlic restaurant, where all dishes have garlic in them, even desserts! This one looks like a great alternative, and I love the idea of being surrounded by nature.
Czjai Reyes-Ocampo says
The surroundings look so serene and peaceful- makes you one with nature. 🙂
Lubka Christova says
It looks like a very nice hotel surrounded by nature. I’m sure you’ve had really nice weekend there! 🙂
Savannah Miller says
I don’t think I will ever get to visit there, but I wish I could! The manor is breath taking!! On the off chance I do get to travel there I will def. be booking my room here 🙂
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
It sounds like such a good little getaway.
litfromwithin9 says
Maybe some day, I’ll visit Estonia! What a cute room, I love the window the best. 🙂
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
That is SO beautiful!
honeygirlsworld says
I love it. I always love quaint manors or stays that look like bed and breakfasts. Very nice.
Ari T. says
I love the grounds! It looks like a very peaceful and cozy hotel! The window in the room is unique!
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
Oh wow… looks amazing!
makeupbylaurag says
Such a beautiful place! Love the little hotel room!
betzy carmona says
The views are amazing