Hi! Today I want to show you very very simple nail art for short nails. For my manicure I used China Glaze Highlight of My Summer which has become one of my favorite nail polish this spring. I also used China Glaze White on White and Ebalay Yellow Matte nail polish which I showed you yesterday.
Hei! Täna tahan teile näidata hästi lihtsat küünemaalingut, mis sobib hästi lühikestele küüntele. Seekord olid mul kasutuses China Glaze lakk Highlight of My Summer, mis on saanud üheks minu selle kevade lemmikuks. Lisaks kasutasin veel China Glaze valget lakki White on White ja Ebalay kollast matti lakki, mida nägite eile.
So I started my manicure with two coats of bright China Glaze nail polish named Highlight of My Summer. Then I made flowers using dotting tool (ordered few years ago from Born Pretty Store) and Ebalay Yellow Matte nail polish and China Glaze White on White. On my ring finger I added some stamped flowers. For stamping I used again Ebalay Yellow Matte nail polish and plastic stamping plate A9 (both from KKCenterHk.com). I finished my manicure with a coat of Essie Good to Go topcoat.
Alustasin maniküüri seekord 2 kihi China Glaze lakiga Highlight of My Summer. Edasi tegin lilled. Selleks kasutasin mõned aastad tagasi Born Pretty Store´st tellitud täpitajat ja Ebalay kollast matti lakki ning China Glaze lakk White on White. Akstent küünele tegin lilled aga kasutades plastikust küünetemplit A9 ning jällegi kollast Ebalay lakki. Viimane küünemaalingu samm oli 1 kiht Essie Good to Go kiirkuivatavat pealislakki.
In direct sunlight this manicure looks especially bright!
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mybeautyjunction says
The flowers are really cute!
Erika says
Your nail art is so sweet and simple. Love it. 🙂
Kath TheFabZilla says
You did an awesome job! It’s perfect for spring!
honeygirlsworld says
Love this – it’s such a cute mani and I love the neon look.
Alice Furlan says
super sweet!! 🙂 nice job!!!
FrankieCH says
Your nails are so cute – I love them! I’ve never heard of stamping so I’m totally going to look this up! Great post 🙂
Frankie x
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
GORGEOUS mani, what a summer vibe 🙂
Leticia (@CosmAficionado) says
So cute!
Aprill C (@GlitteryGlossy) says
So perfect and springy!
jmelee1221 says
You seriously have some of the cutest manis. I really love this color combo, and the flowers are perfect for this time of year.
Phyrra Nyx says
Such an awesome mani!
litfromwithin9 says
Nubs 4 Life! Very cute spring floral mani!
Anastasia says
Those flowers are just too cute 🙂
Noelle says
I love your nail shape! These are too cute.
Aleya Bamdad says
Such a happy mani design.
Kel says
These are beautiful – I’m very impressed!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
What a beautiful design – I need a stamping kit!
geniabeme says
Such a cute and happy mani!
Ashley says
What a pretty mani! I love the flowers!
Ange (@angejim0531) says
This is gorgeous!!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
That is an adorable mani, and perfect for spring
neversaydiebeauty says
Adorable! I love the flowers you made yourself with the dotting tool. I may give this a try!
Miranda says
So freaking adorable and love the color combo!
Kelly R says
This is adorable. So retro and I love the color combination!
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
These are adorable! love the flowers!
Betzy Carmona says
Gorgeous !
makeupbylaurag says
Love the bright fun colors in your mani!
Mai says
The flowers are cute and I love the contrast between the green and yellow!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
LOVE this! It’s so fun and girly without being pink at all! Perfect!
Chrissy says
those flowers are adorable
Melosy says
Very mod!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
So cute