Hi! Today I want to show you new beauty products that I´ve purchased/ordered lately. Since I am on a budget (and really trying to finish the beauty products I currently own before purchasing/ordering new ones) then I haven´t done much beauty related shopping.
Hei! Tänane postitus on minu viimase aja ilutoodete ostudest. Kuna üritan hetkel kokkuhoidlikult elada ning mitte osta uusi ilutooteid enne kui olemasolevad on ära kasutatud, siis ega ma viimasel ajal eriti palju ostnud ja tellinud ei olegi midagi.
So lets start with new Avon products. After having very good experience with Avon Conditioning Makeup Remover Lotion I wanted to try some other Avon Makeup removers and decided to order their Solutions Bi-phase makeup remover. I also purchased feet scrub and two hair masks. I have already tried Avon Naturals Moisturising Hair Treatment Mask. So far I´m unfortunately not loving it, but it is still too early to say anything more about it.
Alustame siis uute Avoni toodetega, mille endale tellinud olen. Peale positiivseid kogemusi Avoni hooldava silmameigieemaldajaga tahtsin proovida ka mõnda teist nende samalaadset toodet ja seega otsustasin proovida ära Solutions kahefaasilist meigieemaldajat. Lisaks tellisin ka jalakoorija ja 2 juuksemaski. Avon Naturals niisutavat juuksemaski (roheline potsik pildil) olen juba proovinud, aga hetkel ma kahjuks väga vaimustuses sellest ei ole. Ent hetkel on veel liiga vara midagi rohkem selle kohta öelda.
I also purchased new hair dye – LÓreal Excellence Creme in Lightest Blonde shade. I used it last year, too and I loved it. LÓreal Excellence hair dyes are one of my favorites. Depend nail polish remover is also something I like a lot, because it works well.
Selle nädala alguses ostsin ka uue juuksevärvi (LÓreal Excellence Creme värvi toonis hele blond), mida kasutasin enda juuste värvimiseks aasta tagasi ja siis oli kogemus väga positiivne. Kuna minu küünelakieemaldaja varud on otsa saamas, siis vahelduseks ostsin jälle Depend küünelakieemaldajat.
It´s always good to have a pack of makeup remover cloths and since these Byphasse ones were on sale then I decided to give them a try. So far I don´t have anything bad to say about them and I hope it will stay so. Two weeks ago I reviewed Garnier Neo Creme deodorant for you and since it is almost empty and I loved it then I purchased a new one.
Vahepeal oli Selveri laadapäevad, kus soodushinnaga olid müügil Byphasse meigieemaldussalvrätid. Kuna mulle meeldivad meigieemaldussalvakad, siis otsustasingi need ära proovida. Senised muljed on head ja ma loodan, et see nii ka jääb. Samuti ostsin uue Garnier Neo kreemdeodorandi, millest kirjutasin teile paar nädalat tagasi, sest see lihtsalt on hea.
I have been using INM OTD and Poshe fast drying topcoats since I don´t remember when. I love them, but wanted to try something new and so I ordered from Beautybay.com Essie Good To Go topcoat in twin pack. So far I am loving it.
Olen INM OTD ja Poshe kiirkuivatavaidd lakke kasutanud päris pikalt ja vahelduseks tahtsin proovida midagi uut. Beautybay.com´st tellisin endale Essie Good To Go kiirkuivatava laki duubel paki. Olen Essie pealislaki nüüdseks mõned korrad ka kasutanud ning kogemused on igati positiivsed.
Have you used any of these products?
Kas sina oled mõnda nendest toodetest kasutanud?
Naomi Ganzu says
So many different products 🙂
Leelo says
Alice Furlan says
I wish I could be so good at not buying makeup as you are!!! shopping is a problem!!!!
so many useful products!!! 🙂
Leelo says
I just have to be 😀 Even though it is not better to read all those beauty blogs that I am reading because I everyday discover some new beauty and makeup items that I just have to have and so my wish list is growing and growing and growing …. Do I really NEED all those new items? Probably not 😛
Kayliegh Land says
I use the byphase make up remover wipes too and I think they are great. I got them in a pamper package from my cousins wife for christmas, now I just have to find out where I can buy them!
Michele says
Back when I used to dye my hair at home I always used L’Oreal-it always worked the best. I have not tried the Essie clear coat-but do love their polishes so guess it is about time to try that as well.
Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
Ma pole ühtegi toodet kasutanud siit aga Essie pealislakki tahaks küll proovida ja Avoni meigieemaldajat.
Savannah Miller says
I love avon products! Their make-up remover and eye liner is the only kind I will buy :). I have used their foot care products before too and LOVE them.
Czjai Reyes-Ocampo says
Cherry blossoms! Gotta love the scent of that! 🙂
jshallow01 says
I had not heard of this website before. I will have to check it out!
mrsmomx6 says
LOVE Avon…always have, though I haven’t used any of the products you mentioned and now I’m curious
rsrote says
I’m a huge fan of the Avon FOOT WORKS =)
Stacey Werner says
I haven’t used any of these, but really want to try the Essie Good To Go topcoat!