Hi! My today´s review is about Avon Super Drama mascara in black. I ordered it from Avon couple of months ago, because of it catchy name – Super Drama 😀 I hoped that maybe it will really add some dramatic length and volume to my lashes. My first experiences with this mascara weren´t very good. I seriously hated it the first 2-3 times I used it. But I have learnt that you can´t really judge a mascara just after few uses and so I continued using it…. So did it become any better? Read on to find out.
Hei! Minu tänane arvustus on Avon Super Drama ripsmetuššist, mille tellisin endale mõned kuud tagasi Avon´ st. Peamine põhjus, miks seda üldse proovida tahtsin oli selle nimi – Super Drama. Lootsin, et ehk tõesti lisab see tušš mu ripsmetele dramaatilist pikkust ja volüümi. Kahjuks aga minu esimesed kogemused selle ripsmekaga olid üsna halvad ja olin oma ostus pettunud. Ent asi mida olen õppinud oma ilublogija aastate jooksul on see, et ripsmetuššile (ega ka eriti ühelegi teisele ilutootele) ei saa anda lõplikku hinnangut peale paari kasutuskorda. Seega jätkasin Super Drama ripsmeka kasutamist …. Aga kas minu arvamus sellest muutus paremaks? Loe edasi.
Avon Super Drama mascara is promised to give show stopping lashes with a flair of drama. Its unique brush and formula instantly add volume and length without clumping Also it is smudge and flake proof.
Avon Super Drama ripsmetušš peaks lubaduste kohaselt anda pilkupüüdvalt kenad dramaatlised ripsmed. Ripsmetuši unikaalne hari ja koostis lisavad koheselt pikkust ja volüümi ning ei jäta tükke. Samuti ei peaks see ripsmekas määrima ega pudenema hakkama.
Avon Super Drama mascara wand looks unique indeed. When I received the product then I did not have much belief in this wand, because it looked quite weird and not very effective.
Avon Super Drama ripsmetuši hari näeb tõesti välja unikaalne. Kui ma esimest korda seda nägin, siis mul selle efektiivsusesse usku polnud kuna see näeb välja üsna veider.
Avon Super Drama mascara in Black on my lashes
My thoughts about Avon Super Drama mascara
As I mentioned before then my first experiences with this mascara were awful. The formula of the mascara seemed quite wet and it clumped my lashes together and also I did not notice much length. At that point I was seriously disappointed in it and regretted even purchasing it. Well, but I did not stop using it after few bad experiences, because I hoped that maybe, just maybe it is one of those mascaras which just become good after a week or so. Well …. luckily it became much better and it ended in my March favorites.
As you can see from the photos above it adds nice volume and length to my lashes just in one coat. I wouldn´t say this mascara is totally clump free, but it is smudge and flake free. It stays on my lashes all day and it doesn´t start smudging even after work out session. Also this mascara hasn´t caused irritation and it is easy to remove (even with useless Blum Naturals eye makeup remover! :D). When it comes to the pretty weird mascara wand then I´m still not loving it, because it isn´t the most convenient wand for mascara application.
In conclusion Avon Super Drama mascara does give nice length and volume to my lashes even though the mascara wand it miss in my opinion. It is not the best mascara that I´ve used but it is in top 5 for me.
Have you used this or any other Avon mascaras?
Minu arvamus Avon Super Drama ripsmetušist
Nagu juba mainisin, siis minu esimesed muljed sellest ripsmetušist olid üsna jubedad. Ripsmeka koostis oli alguses üsna vedel ning kippus jätma ripsmeid tükki ning samuti ei märganud ma, et see mu ripsmed pikemaks oleks muutnud. Sel hetkel olin Avoni Super Drama ripsmetušis pettunud ning kahetsesin selle ostu. Aga üldiselt ma peale paari kasutuskorda ripsmetuššide suhtes alla ei anna ja seega kasutasin ka seda edasi lootuses, et äkki ikka muutub nädalaga koostis veidi kuivemaks ja normaalsemaks. Ja õnneks nii ka juhtus ja lõpuks sai see ripsmetušš ära märgitud ka minu märtiskuistes ilulemmikutes.
Nagu fotodelt näha, siis Avon Super Drama ripsmetušš lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust ja volüümi juba vaid ühe kihiga. Ma ei ütleks, et see ripsmekas ei jäta üldse ripsmeid tükki. Samas aga see tõesti ei määri ja püsib ilma pudenemata mu ripsmetel terve päev ja elab üle ka trennis higistamise. Positiivne on ka see, et minu silmi Avon Super Drama ripsmetušš ärritanud ei ole ning selle eemaldamine keeruline ei ole(isegi muidu üsna kasutu Blum Natruals silmameigieemaldajaga). Mis puutub aga selle ripsmetuši kummalisse harja, siis see küll mulle endiselt ei meeldi kuna sellega tuši ripsmetele kandmine ei ole kõige mugavam.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu aga hea ripsmetušiga, mis minu ripsmetele lisab volüümi ja pikkust, ent samas selle harjake on küll minu arvates üsna mööda. See ei ole kõige parem ripsmetušš mida ma kasutanud olen, ent samas kuulub see hetkel mu top 5 hulka küll.
Kas sina oled seda või mõnda teist Avoni ripsmetuši kasutanud?
honeygirlsworld says
thank you for posting this. I have been wondering about this mascara but when my mom showed it to me (she sells Avon) the formulation seems so wet and I decided against it… my lashes are much shorter than yours so it wouldn’t work well with me. I may try it down the line though. 😉
Alice Furlan says
It looks really gorgeous! 🙂 nice find!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Well the results are incredible so I think I would give it a try.
Amber says
Isn’t that funny how mascaras do that? I don’t like “wet” mascaras either. I usually end up putting them aside for a couple of weeks to dry out a bit! I love the look this gives you. The brush is interesting too!
Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
Ma proovisin seda ainult korra ja ei olnud üldse rahul sellega, aga see näeb hea välja sinu ripsmetel 🙂 väga ilus!
makeupbylaurag says
oh wow! that mascara looks amazing!
rsrote says
Honest and thorough review…I can see a slight difference in the lashes.
geniabeme says
Wow! What a difference!!
beautyjudy says
Your lashes look amazing, I have to say! I don’t know if this would work for me as well, but if I need a new mascara I’d give it a go. And you are right, sometimes you have to wear something a few times to really feel it out, I had to do that last week with a mascara and ended up liking it too! Oh, the joys of being a beauty blogger 🙂
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I’d definitely try it! It looks dramatic to me!
jmelee1221 says
That mascara looks amazing. I really like the wand and the drama that it gave your lashes. Great post.
Leticia - Cosmetics Aficionado says
I can’t use mascaras with brushes like this. They turn mine into four thick lash spikes. 🙁
Leelo says
That´s what this mascara was doing at first to my lashes too, but then the formula became drier and the result looked much better.
Karen Dawkins says
You have beautiful eyes — with or without mascara. I love the look and will be trying this. My neighbor, the Avon lady, will be happy. 🙂
Leelo says
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
It looks good, but I don’t think I would be fond of the wand either. You got great results though!
Leelo says
Yes the wand is total miss.
Phyrra Nyx says
Great results!
Anastasia says
It definitely adds some nice volume and length to your lashes!
Michelle F. says
Wow that is a huge difference. i really have to check out this one.
Leelo says
There is huge difference 🙂 Almost as if I was wearing false lashes.
Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 Pack says
Wow. I was jus thinking this morning that I needed new mascara. I love the results of that one
Leelo says
Erika says
This looks like good mascara. My experience with Avon mascaras int he past have not been positive. It is nice to see them stepping up their game and improving their formulas.
Leelo says
This is second mascara that I´ve tried from them and both of them have been good so far. But I really doubt that all their mascaras are good.
Ashley says
Wow you got awesome results from that Avon mascara!
Leelo says
I am surprised, too, because at first this mascara didn´t do anything.
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
I am not a fan of thick lashes, I usually do one coat and I am good, if I want more I will do wispie add on lashes. Thanks for your review of Avon, I have never used it.
Leelo says
For my everyday makeup I usually prefer one coat of mascara 🙂
litfromwithin9 says
I would have never thought to let a mascara ‘dry’ out and try it again. I may have to rethink how I rate mascara! I love how long and thick your lashes look – like falsies! Crazy.
Destany says
wow!!! You can really tell a difference!
emily hudspeth says
Ive never tried the Avon mascara. I love your photos, its really nicely build able!
Noelle says
It looks dramatic to me! 🙂
Kelly R says
Oh, I’m so glad you kept trying it then!
Miranda says
I tried this mascara a while back and had the exact same experience!! At first I hated it and let it alone for a few weeks, then I came back to it and LOVED IT! Just one of those formulas you have to let breathe, i guess!
Prime Beauty Blog (@PrimeBeauty50) says
good results even with 3 coats!
Kath TheFabZilla says
I can spot a good drama there! I love how your lashes stay curled and neatly coated!
Kel says
It is a weird wand but it looks great on your lashes!
Michele says
I rarely use eye makeup at all anymore but when I have occasion to I go all the way! I have never tried this particular mascara but it sure does make your lashes really long and thicker looking!
Lexie Lane says
I can’t believe the life it gave your lashes! Fantastic! I need a new one! I might give this a try!
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
That’s some major drama! I have found that there are some mascaras that need to “cure” after opening to be their best.
Betzy Carmona says
It deff adds thicken and volume
Aprill C (@GlitteryGlossy) says
Oh yeah that’s a dramatic mascara!
mrsmomx6 says
I love Avon and I love black. After seeing the pics maybe the wand issues would be worth the trouble and I’m all over anything flake free 😉
Kristina says
I think it looks fabulous on you!
Fan R @TeddyOutReady says
Never tried Avon mascara, this looks fabulous and lovely!