Hi! My today´s review is about Alpha Hydrox Nourishing Cleanser which I ordered from iHerb. Neoteric Cosmetics Inc Alpha Hydrox Nourishing Cleanser is promised to reveal a smoother, more radiant complexion thanks to its exclusive hydrating formula. It contains Pro-Vitamin B5 and Microbeads filled with Vitamins A and E which help condition the skin and protect it against aging and damage. Sounds great?
Hei! Minu tänane arvustus on Alpha Hydrox Nourishing Cleanser näopesugeelist, mille tellisin endale iHerb.com´st. Neoteric Cosmetics Alpha Hydrox hooldav näopesugeel peaks lubaduste kohaselt aitama tänu eksklusiivsele niisutavale koostisele näonaha muuta siledamaks ja säravaks. See sisaldab pro-vitamiin B5 ning A ja E vitamiinidega rikastatud mikropärleid, mis aitavad nahka hooldada ning kaitsevad seda vananemise ja kahjustuste eest. Kõlab paljulubavalt?
Alpha Hydrox Nourishing Cleanser comes in a plastic tube with flip cap. The design of the product is very simple, but yet something that I personally will remember and if I saw it somewhere then I would know that it is some kind of Alpha Hydrox product. The gel itself doesn´t have any fragrance and it contains little pink microbeads which will break if you massage the gel on your face.
Using it very very easy. I moisten my face and then apply the cleanser on my skin. I massage my face in an upward motion and then rinse off the gel with warm water.
Alpha Hydrox hooldava näopesugeeli pakend on lihtne, ent samas vähemalt minu jaoks meeldejääv ning kui seda kuskil nägema peaksin, siis teaksin, et tegu on Alpha Hydrox tootega. Alpha Hydrox hooldav näopesugeel on lõhnatu ning sisaldab väikeseid roosasid terakesi, mis geeli näole kandmisel katki lähevad.
Geeli kasutamine on lihtne. Ma teen enda näo märjaks ja siis kannan näopesugeeli ringjate liigutustega näole ning masseerin õrnalt nägu ja siis loputan geeli sooja veega maha.
My opinion
– easy to use
– removes all my makeup (BB cream, foundation, powder etc) without leaving any residues
– doesn´t leave my skin unpleasantly dry or tight
– my skin feels soft and smooth after using it
I have been using it almost two months now and I haven´t had any problems with it – so no cons so far.
Would I purchase it again? Yes! I absolutely love it!
Alpha Hydrox Nourishing Cleanser is available at iHerb.com online store where it costs 7.86$. If you haven´t ordered from iHerb.com before then with code ROH837 you will save up to 10$ from your very first order.
Minu arvamus
Mis mulle meeldib
– lihtne kasutada
– eemaldab näolt igasuguse meigi (BB kreem, jumestukreem, puuder jm) ja ei jäta mingeid jääke
– ei muuda nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks ja kiskuvaks
– minu näonahk on pärast selle kasutamist mõnusalt pehme ja sile.
Mis mulle ei meeldi
Peaaegu 2 kuulise kasutamise järel pole mul Alpha Hydrox hooldava näopesugeeliga esinenud mingeid probleeme ja seega mul ei ole siia midagi lisada.
Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Jah! Tegu on ühe minu lemmikute hulka kuuluva näopesugeeliga.
Alpha Hydrox hooldavat näopesugeeli saab tellida näiteks iHerb.com´st, kus selle hinnaks on 7.86$. Kui sa ei ole varem iHerb´st tellinud siis koodiga ROH837 saad oma kõige esimeselt tellimuselt allahindlust kuni 10$. NB! Tegu on USAs asuva netipoega ja seega soovitan enda tellimuse lõppsumma (ilma saatekuluta) hoida väiksema kui 21,98€, sest vastasel juhul lisanduvad paki Eestisse jõudmisel sellele maksud.
*post contains affiliate links
honeygirlsworld says
this sounds like something I could use. 🙂
Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
Kõlab väga hästi ja nüüd tahan ka seda proovida 🙂
Bernadette Callahan Powell says
Looks like a really good product. I hate products that claim things and then dont do anything!
Leelo says
I also hate this kind of products. Luckily some products live up to their promises and this is one of those products.
jshallow01 says
Thanks for the review. I do need to find a cleanser.
Amanda @ Adorkablii.com says
This sounds like a great product! I think I will have to check it out!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I love that it doesn’t leave the skin feeling dry/tight. That is the worst feeling.
Leelo says
I hate that feeling, too!
Miranda says
Nice to know it removes all traces of makeup!
JessicaWCassidy (@wifetoalineman) says
I have a very oily face and this absolutely will help my face clean 🙂
litfromwithin9 says
Sounds like a good price for a cleanser that feels good and removes everything! Thanks for the coupon code, too!
jeniferbalatico says
Seems this product worked well on you. Might be giving this a try. Thanks for sharing your experience!
MommyPehpot says
hmm I think I might give this cleanser a try 🙂
Anastasia says
Good makeup removers are a hard gem to find! Good to know this one works for you 🙂
makeupbylaurag says
Oh wow! This looks great. I have been told by several people that I need to try this!
조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) says
Looks like a promising product! I order stuff from iHerb, too. Mostly collagen products from NeoCell. 🙂
jshallow01 says
Are their other products from iHerb your recommend? Looking at using the coupon you have posted.
Savannah Miller says
I am having dry winter skin right now and need something to help get my skin back to its healthy glow.
rsrote says
I got to review a few product from this company a little while back…my Mom was over an fell in love with it too. I bought her a few for the next Mother’s Day…she threw out all her other “miracle” creams and washes!
Leelo says
😀 I have used 4 products from them so far and no complaints really!
Lexie Lane says
This sounds interesting. What do the microbeads actually do once it breaks? I guess I’ll have to find out myself.
Leelo says
They contain A and E vitamin and so when the microbead breaks it releases the vitamins 🙂
Melody says
Looks like a great product.