Hi! Time for #1800minutechallenge week 4 roundup. The 4th week was actually pretty successful (except yesterday) and I managed to work out 627 minutes total 😀 And during these 4 weeks I have worked out to far 2369 minutes 😀 Unbelievable! And we are only half way through
with our challenge. This awful tired feeling has finally left me and I feel so energetic. I really hope that it will stay this way for longer period of time now 🙂
Hei! Aeg #1800minutechallenge väljakutse 4.nädala kokkuvõtteks. Neljas nädal oli tegelikult minu jaoks üsna edukas (kui eilne päev välja arvata) ja kokku tegin trenni 627 minutit selle aja jooksul. Ja selle nelja nädala jooksul olen ma kokku trenniteinud 2369 minutit! Uskumatu! Ja pool väljakutsest on veel ju ees. Hea on see, et selleks korraks on mind eelnevalt piinanud väsimus kadunud ja tunnen, et energiat on jälle rohkem. Ma väga loodan, et see nüüd siis jääb nii ka veidi pikemaks ajaks 🙂
Last week I went walking and jogging, used my Kettler exercise bike for cycling and also did Pilates yoga blend exercises following the YouTube video. On Friday I worked out 170 minutes total. I started with jogging, then went walking and strolling then did some cycling and Pilates yoga blend exercises. Yesterday I only did the exercises following the video. I did plan to go jogging too, but my plans changed and so I just couldn´t 🙁
Eelmisel nädalal käisin jalutamas, jooksmas; kasutasin ka enda Kettleri velotrenažööri ning tegin pilatese & jooga segu harjutusi Youtube´i video järgi. Reedel olin eriti tubli ja tegin kokku trenni 170 minutit. Alustasin jooksmisega, siis käisime veel väikese mr.R´ga kärutamas. Õhtul kui väike mr.R oli tutti läinud sõitsin veel velotrenažööril ning tegin päeva lõpetuseks video järgi harjutusi. Eilne päev kahjuks trenni mõttes läks untsu, sest mul oli kindlasti plaanis jooksma minna (12-13km), aga kuna plaanid ootamatult muutusid, siis peale pilatese-jooga harjutuste midagi muud teha ei jõudnudki 🙁
Leticia (@CosmAficionado) says
Never heard of this, but sounds great!
Erika says
Yay, you! 😀
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
Leelo, so proud you are sticking to a fitness plan!
beautyjudy says
Oh my gosh, I love this challenge, what a great motivator! Congrats on your dedication and successes so far!!!
Justina says
Good for you!
jmelee1221 says
Good for you girl. I need to get back into shape and this is a awesome motivator to start., Great post!!
Kim says
This sounds like a great challenge to keep you active.
Leelo says
Oh it definitely is!
geniabeme says
I want to do this!
Phyrra Nyx says
What a great challenge!
Jess Scull says
Woo! Great job!
Anastasia says
You go, girl!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
GREAT job!
honeygirlsworld says
Yay – Great job! 😀 This sounds awesome!
Kelly R says
Yay! I’m proud of you! I need to get a plan and stick to it!
Miranda says
I wanna try that video when I get home!
litfromwithin9 says
I’ll just stay on the couch, thanks!
Angela says
Nice job!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Good for you!
Lisa at Cosmetic Sanctuary says
What a great challenge!
Chrissy says
good for you! wish i was as committed
Sheila (Painted Ladies) says
Great job and keep up the good work!
Kath TheFabZilla says
Kudos for conquering the challenges. Health is wealth so I support your lifestyle choices
makeupbylaurag says
I totally need to get on the ball and get my workout on
Kristyn says
i can’t to work out again once i heal my tummy and finish physical therapy!
Aleya Bamdad says
I need to start doing this.
citizensofbeauty says
Way to go! I have been working out so hard.
Betzy Carmona says
I’m also doing a fitness challenge and oh boy how it kicks my butt
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Oh my, I’m exhausted just looking at all that.