Hi! On April 1st I started with #1800minutechallenge and yesterday I finished my second week in this challenge. Week 2 of #1800minutechallenge wasn´t easy, because for some reason I felt so tired all the time (and I actually still do) and so the only thing that kept me motivated was seeing what others who are participating in this challenge are doing and how many minutes they have worked out. That really kept me going…. until Sunday came and I basically took the day off and did not do anything!
Hei! Nagu te tõenäoliselt teate, siis 1.aprillil alustasin #1800minutechallenge väljakutsega ning eile lõpetasin siis väljakutse 2.nädala. Nädal 2 ei olnud just lihtne kuna tundsin end pidevalt väsinult. Ainus asi, mis mind motiveeris üldse midagi tegema oli see kui Twitteris ja Instagramis vaatasin, mida teised osalejad teevad ja kui palju minuteid nad on jälle treeninud. Aga vähemalt see mõjus 😀 …. kuni pühapäevani kui tegin endale täieliku puhkepäeva ja ei teinud mitte midagi.
Overall even though the week was though I was pretty successful and I managed to work out total of 578 minutes 🙂 Last week I mainly did brisk walking. I went jogging for 3 times, ene though I planned to go 4. I also did some exercises at home following Youtube videos.
Kokkuvõttes oli minu eelmine nädal siiski edukas kuna trenni jõudsin kokku teha 578 minutit 🙂 Põhiliselt tegin kiires tempos kõndi (ikka tõsiselt kiires). Jooksma jõudsin 3 korda kuigi oleks tahtnud vähemalt 4 jõuda ning kahel päeval tegin kodus harjutusi Youtube videode järgi.
And the videos. I showed you the Pilates Yoga Blend video in my week 1 post. I just love love love this pilates yoga blend video. And the Standing ABS video I found last week. It is very easy and great for those days if you don´t have lot of time, but you would still like to do some abs.
Ja videod. Pilatese ja jooga segu videot näitasin teile eelmise nädala postituses. See pilatese jooga segu video on saanud üheks mu tõsiseks lemmikuks. Standing ABS ehk siis kõhulihasteharjutuse video avastasin eelmisel nädalal. Tegu on üsna lihtsa kõhulihaste videoga ning sobilik just nendeks päevadeks kui aega palju pole aga tahaks veidi kõhulihaseid treenida.
Nicola Hudson says
Wow this sounds intense! I admire your commitment, I don’t think I could do it!
Leelo says
I think you could! When you see what others are doing and how much they have worked out then for me, personally this is huge motivation.
prfashionbeauty says
Keep up the good work! x
JessicaLouise (@JessycaLouise) says
Well done, keep up all the good work 🙂 I wish i had the motivation and time.