Back in November I showed you lovely chiffon dress from Sammydress.com. Today I want to show you another product from them – bright orange blazer.
Novembri alguses näitasin ma teile kena sinist šifoonkleiti Sammydress.com´st. Täna aga näitan teile järgmist toodet neilt – oranži jakki.
This orange blazer is available at Sammydress.com online store. It comes in one size and luckily this one size this time fits me well (I normally wear EU 36-38, UK 10-12). I don´t have actually anything bad to say about the quality of this jacket. It is fully lined and well sewn. There wasn´t any loose threads anywhere. The material of this jacket is thinner then I expected, but when compared to the price (11.48$/ 8.33€/ 7.35£) then there really isn´t anything to complain. My only problem with this jacket was the way it arrived to me. It was pressed in this tiny little plastic bag and so when I received it, it was creased and so I had lots of ironing to do before I could even put it on.
See oranž bleiser on siis, nagu ma juba eelpool mainisin pärit Sammydress.com lehelt. Saadaval on see vaid ühes suuruses (One Size) ning sel korral õnneks see nn üks suurus sobis mulle hästi (kannan EU 36-38, UK 10-12 suurust üldiselt). Üldiselt pole mul selle jaki kvaliteedi kohta midagi halba öelda. Jakil on täisvooder ning õmblused on korralikud. Kuskil ei olnud ka lahtisi niidiotsi. Jaki materjal on õhem, kui ma ootasin ent samas kui võrrelda hinda (8,33€) ja materjali, siis pole millegi üle kurta. Minu ainus negatiivne kogemus selle jakiga on seotud sellega, kuidas see minuni jõudis. Jakk oli surutud pisikesse plastikkotti ning seega oli see üleni kortsus ja seega sain päris palju triikida enne kui jaki üldse selga sain panna.
And here is my outfit 🙂
What I´m wearing:
Sammydress blazer
Esprit jeans
Takko top
Studded flats from NS King
Ice Watch