I haven´t done haul posts for quite a long time and so why not show you what I ordered & purchased in February.
Täpselt kuu aega tagasi tegin viimati postituse viimase aja ostudest-tellimustest ning seega tänasesse pühapäeva õhtusse ülevaade sellest, mida veebruaris “kokku ahnitsesin” 😀
So lets start with Garnier Neo. When every night you see on television commercials how good this products is supposed to be then I just had to purchase and try it myself. So far I don´t have anything bad to say about it 😉
Alustame siis viimasel ajal enamvähem igal õhtul telereklaamides nähtud tootega – Garnier Neo antiperspirandiga, mis peaks olema niiiii hea. Pidin selle ostma ja omal nahal ära katsetama ning… muljed on seni muide head 😉
e.l.f. had 50% off sale + free shipping offer and so I ordered two of my favorite products: Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths and Eyelid Primer. I also wanted to try Eye Widener Pencil and All Over Cover Stick. Btw I also ordered some goodies for my future giveaways 😉
e.l.f.´l oli 50% soodukas + tausta saatmine ning seega tellisin endale 2 enda lemmiktoodet: meigieemaldus salvrätid ja lauvärvi aluskreemi. Samuti otsustasin proovida Eye Widerener pliiatsit ja All Over Cover Stick´i. Muide tellisin asju ka järgmiste loosimiste tarbeks nii, et püsige lainel 😉
In January I ordered some Neoteric Cosmetics Inc Alpha Hydrox products from iHerb and so in February I ordered their Nourishing Cleanser and chose a free gift – Moisturising Gloves.
Jaanuaris tellisin ma iHerb´st mõned Neoteric Cosmetics Inc Alpha Hydrox tooted ning veebruaris otsustasin ära proovida ka nende puhastusgeeli ning lisaks valisin tasuta kingituse – niisutavad kindad.
I also made an order from SportsDirect – my favorite online store when it comes to sports clothing. This time I ordered some more Karrimor running tights (not in the photo) and couple of sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants. I also ordered products for my little mr.R.
Samuti tegin ma tellimuse ühest oma lemmik spordiriiete onlinepoest – SportsDirect.com´st. Seekord täiendasin enda jooksupükste varusid Karrimori retuuside näol (ei ole pildil) ning lisaks siis veel paar pusa ning ühed püksid. Ka enda väikesele mr.R´le tellisin mõned tooted.