From tomorrow, April 1st starts #1800minuteschallenge where bloggers are going to challenge themselves to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. I read about this challenge from Crowley Party blog and I knew I had to take part in it. Why? Well the last month or so … I´ve been lazy lazy lazy ….. Seriouslly lazy and so this is something that will motivate me being active and workout again and hopefully by the end of May (the challenge ends May 31st) I am ready for bikinis and beach 😀
Alates homsest, 1.aprillist algab #1800minutechallenge, mille eesmärk on iga päev olla kehaliselt aktiivne vähemalt 30minutit. Mina lugesin sellest ettevõtmisest Crowley Party blogist ning teadsin, et see on midagi mille pean läbi tegema. Miks? Noooo viimasel ajal olen ma olnud suhteliselt laisk laisk laisk …. ning see nö katsumus motiveerib kindlasti natuke tõsisemalt end jälle kätte võtma ja trenni tegema ja loodetevasti mai lõpuks kui see projekt lõpeb olen ka 100%valmis rannahoojaks 😀
Join the fun with Erin from Living in Yellow, Emily from The Freckled Fox, Alycia from Crowley Party, and Alissa from Alissa Circle