Today I want to show you the swatches of Avon Metallics 8-in-1 Eye Palette. This is my very first eyeshadow palette from Avon and so when I ordered it then I wasn´t exactly sure what to expect.
Täna tahan teile näidata Avon Metallics 8in1 lauvärvi paletti swatche. See on minu kõige esimene Avoni lauvärvipalett ja seda tellides, ma polnud kindel, mida oodata.
Avon Metallics 8-in-1 Eye Palette comes in stylish black plastic case. The eyeshadow palette includes small mirror (which in my opinion is pretty useless) and 2 dual ended applicators. The applicators can get the job done, but I prefer brushes for applying my eye shadows. This eyeshadow palette contains nice variety of both light and darker shades. In my opinion there really nothing metallic about them. All shades have nice, bit shimmery finish. The pigmentation of these eye shadows is pretty good and with primer they last quite well.
Avon Metallics 8-in-1 lauvärvipalett on kenas musta värvi plastik karbis. Lauvärvi paleti kaane sees on väike peegel, mis minu arvates on üsna kasutu. Samuti on komplektis 2 kahe otsaga aplikaatori, mis teevad oma töö ära ent ma siiski eelistan pintsleid lauvärvide pealekandmiseks. Avon Metallics lauvärvide komplektis on iseenesest kena valik heledaid ja tumedamaid lauvärvitoone, ent minu meelest midagi metallikuga neil küll pistmist pole. Kõigil toonidel on kena natukene läikiv lõppviimistlus. Toonide pigmenteeritus on üsna hea ning lauvärvialuskreemiga püsivad nad suhteliselt hästi.
And the swatches. All eyeshadow swatches are on bare skin. The first photo is taken in shade, the second one is taken in direct sunlight and the last one is taken with flash.
Ja swatchid ehk siis värvinäidised. Kõik näidised on puhtal nahal ning pildid tegin kolmes eri valguses: varjus, otseses päikesevalguses ning välguga.