So here is little post about what I have bought & ordered lately.
On Sunday I went to Järve Selver and saw that they had 40% off on all Bourjois products. Since the Garnier eye makeup remover is not good at removing waterproof makeup then I decided to purchase Bourjois Express Eye Makeup Remover that is promised to be ideal for waterproof makeup. I haven´t used it, yet and so I can´t really comment if it´s any good.
I have read some good reviews about Eveline BB Cream and so I also purchased that one for light complexion. It cost only 3€ so even if it is not good then I I won´t regret buying it.
Väike postitus siis sellest, mida viimasel ajal olen ostnud & tellinud.
Pühapäeval käisin Järve Selveris ning avastasin, et neil oli 40% soodukas kõigile Bourjois toodetele. Kuna Garnier´i silmameigieemaldi ei saa hakkama veekindla meigi eemaldamisega, siis otsustasingi proovida Bourjois´i meigieemaldajat, mis peaks olema ideaalne veekindlameigi eemaldamiseks.
Olen lugenud, et Eveline´i BB kreem on hea ja seega otsustasin ka selle ära proovida ning isegi kui ta mulle pettumuse valmistab, siis õnneks 3€ pole nii suur summa, et pärast ostu kahetseda.
Today I also received my order from Vivo Cosmetics. They had 50% off sale + free shipping and so decided to give some of their makeup products. Btw you´ll see their nail polish on my nails tomorrow 😉
Sain täna kätte ka oma tellimuse Vivo Cosmetics´st. Peale Eve blogipostituse lugemist tekkis huvi Vivo tooted ära proovida ning kui neilt tuli meil, et soodukas on 50% kõigele + tasuta saatmine, siis ahnitsesin mõned tooted endale 😛 Muide Vivo Cosmetics´i küünelakki näete mu küüntel juba homme 😉