My today´s post is about Corine de Farme nail polish remover. I have been using this nail polish remover since May and those who saw this haul post know that in August I purchased my second bottle of this.
Minu tänane postitus on Corine de Farme küünelakieemaldajast, mis on minu lemmikute hulka kuulunud alates maikuust kui seda kasutama hakkasin ning need, kes nägid minu väikest viimase aja ostude postitust teavad, et augustis ostsin uue pudeli seda sama küünelaki eemaldajat.
This nail polish remover is promised to remove all type of nail polish, even the most resistant. Nails will be impeccably clean and ready for a new coating. It´s ingredients list is short there are just acetone, aqua, glycerin and parfum.
Lubaduste järgi peaks see küünelakieemaldaja eemaldama igasuguse küünelakki sh ka kõige vastupidavama. Küüned on laitmatult puhtad ning ning valmis uue laki kihi jaoks. Koostisosade nimekiri on lühike: atsetoon, vesi, glütseriin ja lõhnaaine.
My opinion
The design of this nail polish bottle is very simple. Corine de Farme nail polish remover comes in glass bottle and that is something I am not very fond of and like most of nail polish removers it stinks, not as bad as some others that I´ve used, but still there is nothing pleasant about it. What I love about this nail polish remover is that it actually does remove nail polishes easily and so far I haven´t had any problems with even glitter polishes. Also it seems that it hasn´t damaged my nails either. Like!
Would I purchase it again? Yes!
Minu arvamus
Corine de Farme küünelakieemaldaja on väga lihtsa kujunudusega klaas pudelis. Ja see klaaspudel on kahjuks midagi, mis mulle väga ei meeldi. Nagu enamik küünelakieemaldajaid, siis ka see haiseb ent siiski mitte nii hullusti kui mõned teised, mida olen kasutanud.
Mis mulle meeldib selle küünelakieemaldaja juures on see, et seni on ta edukalt maha võtnud kergelt igasuguse küünelaki sh glitter lakid. Samuti tundub mulle, et see küünelakieemaldaja vist ei ole mu küüntele seni halvasti mõjunud. Meeldib!
Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Jah!
Karina A. says
I have been looking to purchase this product again, I Love It. the best nail polish remover ever. Where and how can I purchase it?