Those who have followed my blog for longer time know that asos.com is one of my favorite online stores. Anyway today I was doing some window shopping there hoping to find some new addition to my wardrobe (since some of my pre-pregnancy clothes are too big for me now, then I just have to buy/order new ones :P)
Need kes on mu blogi juba kauem jälginud, teavad et asos.com on üks mu lemmik e-poode. Igatahes täna tegin veidi nn window shoppingut lootes leida midagi uut enda garderoobi (kuna osad raseduseelsed riided on mulle nüüdseks liiga suured, siis tuleb uued ju osta/tellida :P)
I will never have enough bags or shoes and so if I could then I would order all these, too 😛
Mul ei ole vist kunagi küllalt kingi ja kotte ja seega kui saaks telliks need ka 😛
What is/are your favorite online store(s)?
Milline/millised on sinu lemmiku e-poed?
*pics are from www.asos.com
** Post DOES NOT contain any affiliate links.