As you might remember last week I bought Wet n Wild Fergie Centerstage Collection Photo Op eyeshadow palette in Metropolitan Nights from my shopping trip to Helsinki. I have used the palette once by now and also have done some swatching.
Võibolla mäletate, et eelmisel nädalal ostsin oma ostureisilt Helsingisse Wet n Wild Fergie Centerstage Collection Photo Op lauvärvipaleti Metropolitan Nights. Olen seda nüüdseks jõudnud ühe korra kasutada ning muidugi ka swatchida.
Information & ingredients/Info & koostis
Wet n Wild Fergie Centerstage Collection eyeshadow palette in Metropolitan Nights contains 5 eyeshadow shades ( white, yellow, glittery black, taupe and matte black)and comes with an applicator.
Wet n Wild Fergie Centerstage Collection Photo Op lauvärvipalett Metropolitan Nights sisaldab 5 lauvärvi tooni (valge, kollane, pruunikashall, sädelev must ja matt must) ja kahepoolset applikaatorit.
And the swatches. As always first swatch is on bare skin and the second one is applied over MUA Professional Eye Primer.
Ja näidised. Nagu alati on esimene kantud puhtale nahale ning teise alla on pandud MUA Professional Eye Primer.
So as you can see the pigmentation of this palette is quite hit and miss. The yellow and taupe are very poorly pigmented and without primer they are useless. Also the result how intense they look depends on the primer you use. For example e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer don´t work very well with these, but MUA Professional gives much better result.
In conclusion it is nice palette, but I am not sure I would purchase other palettes from this collection.
Nagu näha, siis nende lauvärvide pigmentatsioon on nii ja naa. Pruunikashall ja kollane on üsna kehva pigmentatsiooniga ning ilma lauvärvi aluskreemita kasutud. Muide nende lõpptulemus sõltub väga palju ka praimerist mida kasutate. Näiteks e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer´ga on tulemus tunduvalt kehvem kui MUA Professional Eye Primer´ga.
Kokkovõttes on tegu kena lauvärvi paletiga ent ma pole kindel, kas ma teisi samu kollektsiooni palette osta tahaks.