My Instagram followers know that on Wednesday we (mr.R and I ) visited Helsinki, Finland. Since this was more like a shopping trip then we did not take many photos and didn´t really do any sightseeing. I really hoped that I will come back with bigger heap of clothes, beauty products etc then we actually didn´t buy much. I mostly bought clothes for my little mr.R and some items for myself too. Anyway here are some photos that we took on the go and about what I bought for myself.
Minu Instagrami jälgijad teavad juba, et kolmapäeval käisime me (mina ja mr.R) Helsingis. Kuna tegu oli nn ostureisiga siis me väga palju pilte ei teinud ning ka vaatamisväärsustega tutvumas seekord ei käinud. Ostureisilt lootsin küll tagasi tulla suurema asjade hunnikuga ent lõpuks väga palju ei ostnudki. Peamiselt täiendasin väikese mr.R´i garderoobi ent siiski sain mõned asjad ka endale. Siin postituses siis näetegi pilte, mis said tehtud laeval ning seda mida siis endale ostsin.
Leaving Tallinn 7.30 a.m |
comfy outfit for the shopping trip/ mugav riietus ostureisiks. Shirt, jeggings & flats SEEN HERE; bag -Reserved; sunglasses – Polaroid; watch – aliexpress; cardigan – Vila |
Gulf of Finland / Soome laht |
Aleksanterinkatu |
And here is my tiny haul
These Wet n Wild Turn Up The Volume mascara and Fergie Centerstage Collection eyeshadow palette in Metropolitan Nights and Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nail polish #118 I purchased from Seppälä. Swatches of the eyeshadow palette and nail polish coming next week 😉
Ja siin siis minu shoppingu tulemus.
Kõigepealt siis ilutooted. Seppäläst ostsin Wet n Wild´i Turn Up The Volume ripsmeka ning Fergie Centerstage Collection lauvärvi paleti toonis Metropolitan Nights. Ühe küünelaki ostsin ka – Golden Rose Jolly Jewels #118
When it comes to clothes then I mainly purchased only very basic items that I can wear almost everyday. From Esprit I purchased new straight dark blue jeans (I really needed those because as I mentioned in my Wishlist post some of my pre-pregnancy clothes are just too big now and that means that most of my jeans are huge :S ) I also purchased new shorts and one basic top to wear when I am strolling with my baby.
Ostsin ka mõned uued riided. Seekord ostsin pigem igapäevaseid nö basic riideid. Esprit´st ostsin uued sirgelõikega tumesinised teksad (neid oli mul vaja kuna nagu ma oma Wishlist´i postituses eelmisel nädalal mainisin, siis osad raseduseelsed riided on mulle lihtsalt liiga suured ning eriti kehtib see teksade kohta, mis on mulle kohati mitu nr liiga suured). Lisaks ostsin ühed lühikesed püksid ja topi, mida on mugav kanda kui lapsega jalutamas ehk kärutamas käin 😛
From H&M I purchased another basic top and then cute miniskirt with floral pattern and shorts.
H&M´st ostsin veel ühe lihtsa valge topi ning lille mustriga seeliku ning lühikesed püksid.
And thats it. I won´t show you the clothes that bought for my little mr. R. I actually tried on so many more clothes, but yeah many of the sale items were just way too big or small for me 🙁 and purchasing full prized items wasn´t my intent anyway.
Ja ongi kõik. Riideid, mis ma väikesele mr.R´le ostsin ma ei hakka näitama. Tegelikult proovisin ma kõvasti rohkem riideid ent kahjuks olid paljud allahindlusega tooted mulle kas liiga suured või siis väikesed 🙁 ning täishinnaga riiete ostmine polnud mu eesmärk nii ehk nii.