Today early in the morning I received this month´s Adorebox. Adorebox is a monthly subscription box where you can find 4-5 high quality products (full sized or travel sized) and samples. It costs €11.99 per month and it is delivered to your doorstep 🙂
Täna üsna vara hommikul toodi mulle maikuu Adorebox. Nendele kes ei tea mis Adorebox on siis nii palju infoks, et tegu on igakuise ilutoodete karbikesega, kus see on 4-5 ilutoodet (nii täissuuruses tooteid kui ka minitooteid) ja ka testreid. Adorebox´i hind on 11.99€ kuus ning see tuuakse kulleri poolt koju kätte. Adorebox´i saad tellida siit www.avastailu.ee
Adorebox arrived nicely packed and this time it contained 4 full size products and one sample.
Adorebox saabus kenasti pakituna ning sel korral sisaldas see nelja täissuuruses toodet ning ühte testrit
Uoga Uoga Velvet Skin; Bio-A7 Firming Eye Lotion (sample); Sally Hansen Diamond Strength nail polish in Antique Bronze; Faith in Nature Rosemary Shampoo & Conditioner |
So lets start. This time there were full size shampoo & conditioner by Faith in Nature in Adorebox. On the information sheet that came with the box it is said these products contain traditional rosemary, that is known for its properties that promote hair growth and colour, while improving the scalp. Rosemary stimulates hair and scalp renewal and balances oily hair particularly effective when convalescing after illness which can bring on scurf or dandruff. These products are paraben and SLES free; they do not contain artificial colors or preservatives.
I have never heard of this brand before but I have to say that my first impression of these Rosemary shampoo and conditioner are good ( after workout I had to wash my hair and so why not try new products 😛 ). Both products have strong rosemary scent that might not like for everyone, but fortunately this scent fades when hair is dry. The shampoo didn´t foam as typical shampoo, but made my hair nicely clean. The conditioner was runnier but for my great surprise it made my blonde (and quite dry) hair soft and I had no problems with tangles. I guess in 3-4 weeks I can say if these products are suitable for my hair, but as I said then first impressions are good.
Alustame siis. Seekord oli Adorebox´s täissuuruses Faith in Nature rosmariini šampoon ja palsam. Kaasas olnud infolehel on kirjas, et need tooted sisaldavad traditsioonilist rosmariini, mis on tuntud juuksekasvu soodustavate ja värvi esiletoovate omaduste poolest ning mis parendab ka peanaha olukorda. Rosmariin stimuleerib juukseid ja uuendab peanahka ning tasakaalustab rasused juuksed – eriti tõhus pärast haigusest paranemist, mis võib põhjustada peanaha ketendamist ja kõõma. Need tooted on parabeeni- ja SLES vabad ning ei sisalda kunstlike värvi ja säilitusaineid.
Mina ei ole varem kunagi sellest firmast kuulnud ent pean nentima, et esmamulje on hea (peale trenni peapesuks oli ju hea võimalus need kohe ära katsetada). Nii shampoonil kui palsamil on tugev rosmariini lõhn, mis võib olla mõnele häiriv ent õnneks see lõhn hajub kui juuksed on kuivanud. Shampoon ei vahutanud eriti palju kuid tegi mu juuksed puhtaks. Palsam oli vedelam kui ma harjunud olen ennt minu suureks üllatuseks muutis see mu blondid (ja üsna kuivad) juuksed pehmeks ning kammimisel ei olnud mingit pusade probleemi. Eks 3-4 nädala pärast oskan öelda kas need tooted mu juustele siiski sobivad aga nagu mainitud siis esmamulje oli hea.
I finally received a nail polish in my Adorebox 😀 This is Sally Hansen Diamond Strength 77 Antique Bronze. You´ll see it on my nails probably on Tuesday 😉
Lõpuks sain siis Adorebox´st ka küünelaki – Sally Hanseni Diamond Strength küünelaki toonis 77 Anntique Bronze. Minu küüntel näete seda teisipäeval 😉
Then there was Uoga Uoga Velvet Skin facial cream for oily, combination and sensitive skin. Well there is only one sentence about it on the information sheet that came with the box and since I do not speak Latvian (and this is made in Latvia) then after using Google Translate I found out that it contains Hazelnut oil that is quickly absorbed, strengthens capillaries, hydrates the skin and gives it elasticity. It also contains grapefruit essential oil and orange flower (?) water.
Viimane täisuuruses toode oli siis Uoga Uoga Velvet Skin kreem rasusele, kombineeritud ja tundlikule nahale. Nojah kreemi kohta oli infolehel vaid üks lause ning kuna ma läti keelt ei valda siis Google Translate´i abiga sain teada et see kreem sisaldab sarapuupähkliõli, mis imendub kiiresti, tugevdab kapillaare, niisutab nahka ja annab sellele elastsust. Samuti on selle kreemis apelsini lille(?) vett ja greibi eeterlikku õli.
In my Adorebox there was only one sample this time and it was Bio-A7 Firming Eye Lotion. It is promised that it is ideal with under eye puffiness, dark circles, fine lines and dry & mature skin. I already tried it and it seemed nice. Just one thing – it is said one the information sheet that came with the box that full size Bio-A7 cream costs €139. That is very hard to believe since I did some googling and found some sites where you can purchase it for around $40.
Lisaks oli minu Adorebox´s seekord üks tester – Bio-A7 tugevdav silmakreem, mis peaks olema ideaalne tursete, peente joonte ning tumedate silmaaluste korral ja olema kuivale ja küpsele nahale. Ka seda jõudsin ma juba proovida ja tundus täitsa hea silmakreem olevat. Muide infolehel on kirjas, et selle toote täisuuruse hind on 139€, mida aga on natuke raske uskuda kuna peale googeldamist leidsin lehekülgi kust saaks seda tellida umbes 40$ eest.
Overall I am happy with this month´s Adorebox because there were so many full sized products and the ones that I have already tried have been good.
Kokkuvõttes olen selle kuu Adorebox´ga rahul kuna seekord sain 4 täissuuruses toodet ning nendega, mida olen juba katsetada jõudnud olen hetkel rahul.
Ja kui juba infolehte sai mainitud siis siin teile ka väike näide sellest, et vahel vist Adorebox´i infolehe koostaja ei loe läbi seda, mida ta sinna kirja on pannud 😛
*This product was sent for me for the review. All opinions here belong to me and I am not getting paid for this post.
* Adorebox saadeti mulle ülevaate kirjutamiseks. Kõik arvamused siin kuuluvad mulle ning mulle ei maksta selle postituse eest.
Maarja says
Haha, lugesin ka seda küünelaki infot kodus ja naersin elukaaslasega pikalt. Pakkusin talle, et kas ma võin tema silmaümbruses seda proovida :D:D:D
Miss L says
Emmy Barnes says
I have honestly never heard of Adora Box but the fact that they send you full size products means a lot to me!