Today I have Reviva Labs Cleansing Gel review for you. I ordered it from iHerb couple of months ago and it soon became one of my favorite cleansing gels and I also mentioned it in my April 2013 Favorites post.
Before I tell you why I liked it, here little information from the packaging.
Reviva Labs Cleansing Gel comes in 118ml plastic bottle. Because of its size it is very convenient for travelling. It has very delicate scent.
When compared to other cleansing gels that I´ve used so far than this one does not foam. At first it was just so strange to me, but I got used to it.
So what I liked about it?
I love love love that it does not make my skin dry. It is just so typical that after using a cleansing gel my skin feels unpleasantly dry and tight, but with this gel I didn´t get that feeling. I was also pleasantly surprised that it removed makeup pretty well (even eyemakeup and non-waterproof mascara). After using it my skin was nicely clean. Even though I do not have sensitive skin than I do believe that Reviva Labs Cleansing Gel suits sensitive skin well. What I also like about it is that Reviva Labs does not test their products on animals 🙂
Would I order it again?
Definitely! It performed very well and didn´t make my skin dry.
If you haven´t ordered from iHerb.com before then with code ROH837 you can save up to $10 from your very first order.
Täna siis postitus Reviva Labs näopesugeelist, mida saite näha mu Aprillikuiste lemmikute postituses.
Tellisin ma selle geeli mõned kuud tagasi iHerb.com´st ja üsna varsti peale selle kasutama hakkamist sai see üheks mu seniseks suurimaks lemmikuks.
Reviva Labs´i näopuhastusgeel on 118ml plastikpudelis ja on just sellise mõnusa suurusega, et seda on hea kaasa võtta nt reisile. Reviva Labs´i geelil on tagasihoidlik lõhn ning erinevatelt enamikust teistest näopesugeelidest mida seni kasutanud olen, siis see ei vahuta. Alguses oli see minu jaoks väga imelik, aga harjusin sellega üsna ruttu.
Mis mulle väga väga väga meeldis oli see, et Reviva Labs´i näopesugeel ei muutnud minu näonahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks. Minu üllatuseks eemaldas see ka meigi üsna edukalt sh silmameigi ja ka mitteveekindla ripsmetuši. Kuigi minul ei ole tundlik nahk, siis selle geeli puhul ma tõesti usun, et see sobib ka tundlikule nahale ilma probleeme tekitamata. Üks pluss veel Reviva Labs´i juures on see, et nad ei testi enda tooteid loomadel 🙂
Kas ma ostaks seda veel?
Kindlasti! See töötas hästi ja ei muutnud mu nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
Reviva Labs tooteid saab tellida iHerb.com lehelt. Kui sa ei ole varem sealt tellinud siis kasutades soodukoodi ROH837 saad oma kõige esimeset tellimuselt säästa kuni 10$.
Shannon Boyce says
This sounds so good. It’s amazing that it doesn’t make your skin feel dry at all!
Miss L says
It i amazing 🙂
Jessica Teixeira says
I’ve only tried their makeup primer {it’s fabulous!} but I may have to try this. I only like cleansing oils and gels…no suds necessary:-)
Miss L says
I have tried thir Mascara before – which was great and their makeup primer has been in my wishlist for a while.
Elex says
Sounds like a great product!
Miss L says
It is 🙂