I bought Nivea Aqua Effect face wash in February, because my Orjene Organics Foaming face wash ran out and I needed a new one fast. So I went to the first store and decided to dry this Nivea product.
Nivea Aqua Effect Refreshing Wash Gel is suitable for normal skin. It is promised to clean skin deeply and respect the skin’s own moisture balance. It invigorates the skin with its refreshing formula. The formula with vitamin E is mild.
First impressions of this wash gel were pretty good because my skin felt really fresh and nicely clean. But after using it for couple of weeks I started noticing that it made my skin quite dry and unpleasantly tight.
It is promised to be mild, but I am not very sure about that and I really would not recommend it for sensitive skin , because even I who do not have sensitive skin, felt from time to time a stingy feeling around my nose that I didn´t like. What I liked is that it did take off all my makeup (and even mascara!!!) very well. And also the scent of this product was nice.
Would I buy it again? Probably not. It did refresh my skin and took off all the makeup well, but I just didn´t like that it made my skin unpleasantly dry.
Ostsin Nivea Aqua Effect värskendava näopesugeeli normaalsele nahale veebruaris kui seni kasutusel olnud Orjene toode otsa sai ja kiirelt oli vaja asendust. Seega läksin kohalikku Selverisse ja peale pikka valimist ja kaalumist otsustasin, siis selle Nivea toote kasuks.
Pakendil olev eestikeelne info:
Esmamuljed selle näopesugeeli kasutamisel olid positiivsed, kuna tõesti jäi nahk selline mõnusalt värske ja puhas. Kahjuks aga peale paarinädalast toote kasutamist hakkasin tähele panema, et näonahk muutus ebameeldivalt kuivaks ja kiskuvaks.
Pakendil on lubatud et see peaks olema õrna koostisega, aga selles ma siiski väga kindel ei ole kuna isegi mina (kellel ei ole tundlik nahk) tundsin kohati sellist ebameeldivat torkivat tunnet nina ümbruses. Igatahes tundlikule nahale ma seda toodet kindlasti seega ei soovitaks.
Mis mulle selle geeli puhul meeldis oli selle lõhn ja see, et see võttis edukalt maha kogu meigi sh ripsmetuši!
Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Tõenäoliselt mitte, kuigi meigi võttis see maha hästi ning nahk tundus värske, siis mulle kahjuks üldse ei meeldinud see, et mu nägu oli peale Nivea Aqua Effect värskendava näopesugeeli kasutamist ebameeldivalt kuiv.
Megan says
I use this everyday, and I have dry skin. I do think there’s better face washes out there, and when I use this one I apply moisturiser straight afterwards to avoid the horrible tight feeling. I haven’t had a breakout for a very long time though so I’m a bit worried about trying a new product incase my skin takes a turn for the worse! Lovely review and blog 🙂
Megan x
Miss L says
I also apply moisturiser after using this and luckily I didn´ t have breakouts either just the stingy feeling around my nose area was strange.
Shannon Boyce says
That’s a shame that it made your skin so dry! This will definitely have to be a pass for me.
Miss L says
It would have been perfect facial wash, because it removed makeup so well, but I do not like using products that make skin too dry.