As promised in my The Body Shop Beauty Night post here is the post about what I purchased.
Nagu ma The Body Shopi iluõhtu postituses lubasin, siis siin postitus sellest, mida ma ostsin
I didn´t buy much this time – just some travel size shampoos and conditioners and I also received some samples. I have never used The Body Shop haircare products before, but since I noticed these also come in travel sizes I decided to give then a try. I actually would have bought more from The Body Shop (some skincare and makeup products, too), but at the moment I just have way too many products anyway :S
Otsustasin seekord mitte väga liiale ostmisega minna ja piirdusin vaid reisisuuruses juuksehooldustoodetega. Samuti sain ka mõned testrid oma ostuga kaasa. Ma ei ole kunagi varem The Body Shop´i juuksehooldustooteid kasutanud, siis seekord otsustasingi neid proovida. tegelikult oleksin hea meelega sealt veelgi rohkem asju kokku ostnud, aga kuna mul hetkel on niigi liiga palju juba erinevaid ilutooteid, siis otsustasin seekord tagasihoidlikuks jääda.
Rainforest Moisture Conditioner & Shampoo for dry hair
Rainforest niisutav palsam & šampoon kuivadele ja kahjustatud juustele.
Rainforest Radiance Kit for coloured hair.
Rainforest värvi kaitsvate toodete komplekt
The Kit contains 2x Rainforest Radiance Shampoo & Conditioner and a comb (perfect for combing wet hair) made of recycled plastic. I have already used the shampoo and conditioner from this set and first impressions are very good! Also I have been looking for comb to use when I have to comb my wet hair for some reason and the comb that comes in this set gets the job done very well!
Rainforest värvi kaitsvate toodete komplektis oli 2xšampoon & palsam ning laiapiiline kamm, mis tehtud ümbertöödeldud plastikust. Olen juba selle komplekti šampooni ja palsamit ka kasutanud ja esmamuljed on väga head! Ka kamm on väga hea kui on vaja kammida märgi juukseid.
Samples I received:
Shea Body Butter
and Vitamin E Moisture Cream for all skin types. I already finished this one and I am thinking about purchasing the full size product.
On the first photo you also saw a little jar. In there was a sample of Warming Mineral Mask. I used the next day and LOVED it. Definitely going to buy full size product.
Oma ostuga sain kaasa Shea kehavõi ja Vitamin E niisutava kreemi testri. Vitamin E niisutava kreemi testri ma juba proovisin järgi ja ma arvan, et see on mu järgmises The Body Shopi ostunimekirjas. Esimesel pildil oli näha ka ühte pisikest potsikut, kus sees oli Soojeneva mineraalmaski näidis. Selle kasutasin ma ära juba järgmisel päeval ja selle täissuuruses toote ostan kindlasti!