I ordered e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick in Perfect Pink in May. I have been using it over a month and those who have seen my June Favorites post already know that this was one of my favorite product in June. I just have to mention one thing – the name of this product is somewhat misleading, because this isn´t a lipstick – it is a lip gloss!
e.l.f.´i Luscious Liquid huulepulga toonis Perfect Pink tellisin ma mais ja olen seda nüüdseks kasutanud üle kuu aja. Need kes on lugenud mu juunikuiste lemmik toodete postitust teavad, et see oli üks mu lemmik toodetest juunis. Enne kui ma ülevaate juurde asun pean siiski mainima ühte asja – selle toote nimetus (huulepulk) ei ole päris õige, kuna tegu on siiski huuleläikega.
Information from the packaging:
Before you can start e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick in Perfect Pink you are supposed to twist the bottom of the pen 10-12 times (as written on the pen). I had to twist it way more then 12 times 😛 before the lip gloss started to come out
Enne kui saad hakata toodet kasutama tuleb pliiatsi (ehk siis selle toote) tagumist osa keerata 10-12 korda (nagu tootele peale on kirjutatud). Mina pidin seda igatahes tunudvalt rohkem kui 12 korda keerama, et huuleläige hakkaks välja tulema.
e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick in Perfect Pink applied on my lips.
Likes & dislikes:
What I like about e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick
– It is very convenient to use – just twist the the bottom of the lipstick and apply on your lips.
– great packaging
– gives my lips nice shine that is perfect for everyday use
– it has pleasant peppermint scent and is also leaves this minty feeling on my lips
– moisturises my lips well even after the shine itself has gone
– doesn´t cost much ($1; £1.50; €1.70)
What I didn´t like:
– it is bit sticky, but not anything annoying
– It stays on my lips about 1-1.5 hours.
Would I buy it again?
Yes. I want to try other shades of this lipstick, too!
Have you tried or used it? What were your thoughts about e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick?
Meeldimised ja mitte meeldimised:
Mis mulle meeldis:
– väga mugav kasutada – keera pakendi alumist osa ja kanna huultele
– väga hea pakend
– annab mu huultele läiget, mis on väga sobilik igapäevaseks kasutamiseks
– mõnusa piparmündilõhnaga ja jätab ka huultele mündise tunde
– niisutab mu huuli ja niisutus on tuntav ka siis kui läige ise on juba huultelt kadunud
– ei maksa eriti palju (USAs 1$, tellides UK e.l.f´i poest siis kas 1.5£ või siis 1.70€)
Mis mulle ei meeldinud
– veidi kleepuv, aga mitte häirivalt
– kaob huultelt kergesti. Minu huultel püsis umbes 1-1.5 tundi.
Kas ma ostaks seda veel?
Jah. Tahan proovida ka teisi selle toote toone.
Kas sa oled seda toodet proovinud? Millised on sinu muljed e.l.f.´i Luscious Liquid huulepulgast?