These water decals took long time to arrive, but I am very very happy that I finally got them. I mean for some reason I´ve always thought that water decals are difficult and messy to use (or maybe the videos on Youtube made me think so) and so when I received them and tried to use them I realised that they are very very easy to use and the quality of these is very good.
So what you need for applying these:
– water
– scissors
– tweezers
– tissue
– top coat
I try to make a video next time when I use water decals, but basically this is how I applied these water decals
1. I cut the image that I need from the sheet
2. I put it in the water and let it be there around 10 seconds
3. I remove the image very very carefully from the paper and apply it on my nail
4. with tissue I press the image on my nail a bit so there wouldn´t be any air bubbles or excess water
5. apply top coat
And here is the result:
I love the result. It came out even better than I imagined.