Whimsical Glam tagged me with this Top 10 Award. Thank you!
This is a pretty cool tag, all you have to do is pick 10 beauty related products and name which one is your top pick for that category. Here are my favourites:
Now it´s your turn. I tag the following….
Tolmu Rull tells all
XofStyle by Kris
Beauty from Liz
Anna Elisabeth and all things pretty
The TraceFace Philes
Deuce Beauties
Piece of Pie
Miss Holly
Here are the Top 10 Award rules:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics/beauty/health.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link their blogs and let them know.