This is my first comparison post: Barry M Raspberry vs OPI Wocka Wocka vs Maybelline miniColorama Candy Apple.
L-R: OPI Wocka Wocka; Barry M Raspberry; Maybelline Candy Apple |
When I swatched my last nail mail polishes then I noticed that my two new nail polishes (Barry M Raspberry and OPI Wocka Wocka) look very very similar, then I remembered that I already had similar looking Maybelline nail polish also. So I decided to compare them. And here are the results:
natural light:L-R Maybelline – Candy Apple 15, OPI -Wocka Wocka, Barry M -Raspberry, Maybelline – Candy Apple 15 |
natural light:L-R Candy Apple, Raspberry, Wocka Wocka, Candy Apple |
with flash: L-R Candy Apple, Wocka Wocka, Raspberry, Candy Apple |
artificial light: L- R Candy Apple, Wocka Wocka, Raspberry, Candy Apple |
and a darker photo to show you better in OPI Wocka Wocka. |
I used two coats of nail polish for these swatches. The formula of these seem very similar and all three are opaque in two coats. Barry M Raspberry and Maybelline Candy Apple are dupes and OPI looks very very similar also. The only difference between OPI Wocka Wocka and other two polishes is that Wocka Wocka is more shimmery.
So when I will have my next giveaway (hopefully when I´ve reached 400 followers or smth) then I might include Barry M Raspberry in the giveaway prize
Minu esimene võrdluspostitus.
Kui ma swatchisin oma uusi küünelakke siis märkasin ma sarnasust kahe oma uue laki – Barry M Raspberry ja OPI Wocka Wocka vahel. Samas meenus mulle, et mul peaks üks väga sarnane lakk juba ka olemas olema – Maybelline miniColorama Candy Apple. Niisiis otsustasin neid võrrelda ja tulemust võite näha piltidelt.
Näidistel kasutasin kõiki lakke kaks kihti.
Kõik kolm lakki on sarnase koostisega. OPI ja Barry M kuivavad veidi kiiremini kui Maybelline. Hind on Maybelline´il tunduvalt odavam kui ülejäänud kahel. Värvi vahet ei olegi. Minu hinnangul näevad Barry M Raspberry ja Maybelline miniColorama Candy Apple välja täpselt ühesugused. OPI erineb kahest eelnevast vaid sellepoolest, et sisaldab imetillukesi sätendavaid tükikesi.
Nii, et kui ma kunagi oma järgmise giveaway teen (nt kui saab täis 400 followeri vms), siis ma lisan vist Barry M Raspberry auhinna hulka.