Niisiis eile sai jälle natukene shoppamas käidud Viru Keskuses. Rohkem tegin küll window shopingut, aga mõne asja ostsin ära ka 😛
Kõigepealt siis China Glaze´i kinkekomplekt, mille ostsin Kaubamajast, kus 4 täissuuruses küünelakki ja maniküürikott koos väikese küüneviiliga. Hinnaks 20€ (mina sain Partnerkaardiga selle 19€-ga).
Yesterday I went shopping at Viru Keskus. Mostly I did window shopping but I did buy some things. Firstly I bought China Glaze Gift Set that contains four full sized nail polishes and a small manicure case with nail file. That set cost 20€.
L-R: Velvet Bow, Poinsettia, Icicle, Tinsel Town |
Swatches: |
with flash: L-R: Icicle, Velvet Bow, Poinsettia, Tinsel Town |
natural light: L-R: Icicle, Velvet Bow, Poinsettia, Tinsel Town |
Lisaks ostsin veel ka China Glaze´i kiirkuivatava pealislaki (7,50€)/ I also bought China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat (€7.50)
Lisaks ostsin ma Kaubamaja Ilumaailmast ka uue päevakreemi ja silmakreemi. Tavaliselt lähen ma kreemi ostma nii, et tean täpselt mida ma tahan, seekord aga teadsin ma vaid milleks mul kreemi vaja on aga mis firma oma vms selles suhtes oli eeltöö nö tegemata. Ning seega siis oli seekord esimene kord kui lasin klienditeenindajal endale erinevaid kreeme tutvustada ja lõpuks ostsingi tema poolt soovitatu. Tegemist siis minu jaoks täiesti tundmatu firma kreemidega.
I also bought a new eye cream and day cream. Usually when I go shopping for a new cream then I know exactly what I want, but this time I only new that I wanted and needed a new cream and that it. And so it was the first time when I let the sales person introduce me different creams and I finally bought creams she recommended. I have never heard of this brand before.
Fresh Look Rebalance kreem näole (14€) /Fresh Look Rebalance cream (€14)
Fresh Look silmakreem (15,27€) /Fresh Look Eye Cream (€15,27)
Lisaks sain kaasa ka Natural Sea Beauty Mineral Aqua Anti-Wrinkle kreemi testri. Selle firma tooteid olen varemgi kasutanud. Näiteks meeldib mulle väga nende Mudamask kuivale nahale.
I also got a sample of Natural Sea Beauty Mineral Aqua Anti-Wrinkle cream. I have used products by this Natural Sea Beauty before. I really love their Mud Mask for dry skin.
And thats it! No clothes this time, even though it was very hard not to buy a cute blue top from Vero Moda :S