Hi! I´m very busy today and so I decided to post this This or That Tag that I found from KissAndMakeUp00 blog a while ago.
Blush or Bronzer? blush
Lipgloss or Lipstick? lipgloss
Eyeliner or Mascara? mascara! I feel naked without mascara
Foundation or Concealer? concealer
Neutral or Coloured Eyeshadow? I prefer neutral eyeshadows
Pressed or Loose Eyeshadow? Both!
Brushes or Sponges? brushes
Long or Short? long, but not too long
Acrylic or Natural? natural
Brights or Darks? brights
Flower or no Flower? flower of course
Perfume or Body Splash? Perfume
Lotion or Body Butter? Lotion
Body Wash or Soap? Body Wash
Jeans or Sweat Pants? Jeans
Long Sleeve or Short? both
Dresses or Skirts? Dresses
Stripes or Plaid? Stripes
Flip Flops or Sandals? Sandals
Scarves or Hats? Scarves
Studs or Dangly Earrings? dangly earrings
Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots? riding boots
Jacket or Hoodie? Jacket
Curly or Straight? Straight
Bun or Ponytail? lately bun
Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips? Bobby Pins
Hair Spray or Gel? Hair Spray
Long or Short? Long
Light or Dark? Blond
Side-swept Bangs or Full Bangs? side-swept
Up or Down? Up
Rain or Shine? Shine
Summer or Winter? this is difficult. I love both! I love summer when it is nice and warm and everything is green and I also love winter when there is lots of snow and minus 15 degree cold 😀
Fall or Spring? Spring
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Blush or Bronzer? blush
Lipgloss or Lipstick? lipgloss
Eyeliner or Mascara? mascara! I feel naked without mascara
Foundation or Concealer? concealer
Neutral or Coloured Eyeshadow? I prefer neutral eyeshadows
Pressed or Loose Eyeshadow? Both!
Brushes or Sponges? brushes
Long or Short? long, but not too long
Acrylic or Natural? natural
Brights or Darks? brights
Flower or no Flower? flower of course
Perfume or Body Splash? Perfume
Lotion or Body Butter? Lotion
Body Wash or Soap? Body Wash
Jeans or Sweat Pants? Jeans
Long Sleeve or Short? both
Dresses or Skirts? Dresses
Stripes or Plaid? Stripes
Flip Flops or Sandals? Sandals
Scarves or Hats? Scarves
Studs or Dangly Earrings? dangly earrings
Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots? riding boots
Jacket or Hoodie? Jacket
Curly or Straight? Straight
Bun or Ponytail? lately bun
Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips? Bobby Pins
Hair Spray or Gel? Hair Spray
Long or Short? Long
Light or Dark? Blond
Side-swept Bangs or Full Bangs? side-swept
Up or Down? Up
Rain or Shine? Shine
Summer or Winter? this is difficult. I love both! I love summer when it is nice and warm and everything is green and I also love winter when there is lots of snow and minus 15 degree cold 😀
Fall or Spring? Spring
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
And I tag everyone, who wants to do this tag.
inmyhansonshirt says
This is a really cute post! I think I might try this!
Lizbeth-Glamstyln' says
I love tags.. and this one is cute!
I think I’ll do it too: )
THANKS again hun for your feedback and comment on my blog I appreciate you stopping by
Blessings have a great weekends!
The Annachrist says
ahhhh how can you like it minus fifteen degrees!??!
Miss L says
@The Annachrist:
i like it for a couple of weeks in winter or so, not all the time 😛