This body wash sent to me by iHerb for the review. I have used it ever since I got it and I love it! And this is my honest opinion!
Madre Labs Moisturizing Body Wash is part of Madre Labs Body Care line.
All Madre Labs products are clearly marked on the packaging with “No-No-No´s” Seal. That means no sulfates, parabens, dyes, animal ingredients and animal testing. Ingredients that Madre Labs uses are considered gentle, biodegradable and “green” and they are in eco-friendly packaging.
What I like about Madre Labs Moisurizing Body Wash:
– Madre Labs Moisurizing Body Wash doesn’t make my skin dry so I really don’t have to use moisturising lotion after using this.
– refreshes nicely
– nice refreshing rosemary and mint scent (NB! I personally love it, but I know some will hate it. The scent on this body wash reminds me the smell of Aubrey Organics Men’s Stock Ginseng Biotin Shampoo. It seems quite strong when you are using this body wash, but the smell doesn’t stay on your skin)
– lathers well
– doesn’t make my skin itchy
– eco friendly product
What I don´t like:
– I like everything about it 😛
I would give this body wash 5 points out of 5
Madre Labs´i Niisutava kehapesu geel saadeti mulle iHerb´st, et ma sellest ülevaate teeks. Olen seda kasutanud kätte saamisest saadik ja mulle väga väga meeldib see dušigeel.
Kõik Madre Labs´i tooted on sulfaadi, parabeenide, värvainete ja loomsete koostisosade vabad ning neid ei ole loomadel testitud. Madre Labs´i poolt kasutatavad koostisosad on õrnad, biolagunevad ja “rohelised” ning nad loodussõbralikes pakendites.
Mis mulle selle toote juures meeldib:
– see kehapesu geel ei muuda mu nahka kuivaks ja seega pole otsest vajadust pärast kasutada niisuatavat kehalosjooni.
– värskendab mõnusalt
– mõnusa rosmariinilõhnaga. NB! Mõnedele ei pruugi see lõhn üldse meeldida. Selle kehapesugeeli lõhn meenutab natukene vietnami salvi lõhna ja samasuguse lõhnaga on muide ka Aubrey Organicsi Men´s Stock šenšenni ja biotiiniga šampoon.
– vahutab mõnusalt
– ei aja mu nahka sügelema
– loodussõbralik 🙂
Mis mulle ei meeldi:
– kõik meeldib 😛
Kokkuvõttes 5 punkti 5st.
Diane says
i want this now… great product review!
Lizbeth-Glamstyln' says
Great review…. you are making me want to get this now..!! ugh my list for fall goodies is just getting bigger and bigger
Great post hun !
The Beautifier says
Nice review, I wanna try it out too xoxo