This is my third W´n´W eyeshadow trio (you can find previous reviews and swatches HERE and HERE) and this is my favourite. I´ve been using it almost every day. The reason for that is that it looks quite natural and since I can´t wear very heavy makeup daily then this is perfect for my everyday look.
See siis on minu kolmas Wet´n´Wildi lauvärvitrio. Eelmiste näidised leiad SIIT ja SIIT. See lauvärvi palett on mu lemmik ja ma kasutan seda peaaegu iga päev, sest sellega saavutan ma kena loomuliku tulemuse, mis on minu meelest väga hea igapäevaseks kasutamiseks.
And here are the swatches. The system is the same as was with the other two W´n´W eyeshadow trio reviews: first swatch is made without primer and the second one is done with e.l.f. Eyelid Primer.And again you can see difference: swatches done with primer are much more intensive.
Ja siin on siis näidised. Süsteem on sama mis eelmistelgi ehk siis esimene näidis on tehtud ilma primerita ja teine on tehtud e.l.f. primeriga. Ja nagu näha on primeriga tulemus tunduvalt intensiivsem.
So this picture is taken in natural light.
See pilt on tehtud naturaaalses valguses.
Eyelid Crease Browbone |
This picture is taken in sunlight
See pilt on tehtud päikesevalguses
Eyelid Crease Browbone |
And the last one is taken with flash
Ja viimane on tehtud välguga.
Eyelid Crease Browbone |
In conclusion I really really like these W´n´W eyeshadow trios. And i would really like to try rest of these trios. These eyeshadows´ formula is soft and well pigmented. It is very easy to apply and blend. It stays on all day (for example yesterday Walking on Eggshells stayed more than 13 hours without fading or creasing. They are very easy to remove with eye makeup remover and they don´t irritate my eyes.
Kokkuvõttes mulle väga väga väga meeldivad need W´n´W lauvärvipaletid ja ma tahaks proovida ka teisi selle sarja lauvärvitriosid. Need lauvärvid on mõnusalt pehme konsistentisga. Neid on lihtne peale kanda ja hajutada. Nad püsivad peal terve päeva (eile nt üle 13tunni) ilma, et nad tuhmuks või kaoks. Eemaldada on neid samuti lihtne kasutades silmameigieemaldajat ja nad ei ärrida mu silmi.
LiisK says
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inmyhansonshirt says
The colours in this trio look beautiful – natural but still with a little kick to them! I see why you like it so much!
imfeelingnail-venturous says
very pretty shades!
Miss L says
LiisK : tänud :)Ma seda mõtlesingi, aga trükkimise hetkel mõtlesin ei tea mida…